Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Not all early raids were successful and the plan to raid Bayonne failed through lack of information on beach conditions .
2 Bishop Crowley appointed as Chairman of CAFOD in 1988 .
3 However , the idea that archive work might be used in the training of embryo diplomats still surfaced from time to time in France .
4 Hugh Gaitskell , an economics don and wartime civil servant who was elected to Parliament in 1945 and in six years rose from backbencher to Chancellor of the Exchequer , illustrates with his diary entry for 14 October 1947 ( when he was Minister of Fuel and Power ) just how little impact Attlee 's directive of a year before had had on the performance of individuals :
5 Breeze , with a small boy on either side of her , drew in breath after breath of the wonderful air , and looked across at the horizon , where sky and water met .
6 At the turn of the twentieth century , this ‘ majority rule ’ , as it was known , held sway in the US ; thus denying a shareholder the right to sue a director who used inside information in face to face transactions .
7 They will want to know why we did not appreciate the inconvenience and stupidity of having to change currency constantly as one moved from country to country in the Community .
8 They moved from cover to cover within the compound , advancing towards the rear of the battle , following the sounds that would lead them to their own side and to news of the day 's progress .
9 It also led to closer contacts between the dancers as they moved from picture to picture within the design .
10 I forgot all about donating and the transfusion service lost track of me as I moved from house to house over the years , until the other day when the subject came up in the office .
11 An evening with a breeze ; I could see movement in the bracken that edged the track , and cloud-shadows moved from time to time over the sea-pinks .
12 And in adulthood John moved from job to job without settling .
13 These men — and overwhelmingly they were men — came from large , poor families , moved from job to job in catering and manual work and were unable to save out of their meagre earnings .
14 And then again perhaps Modigliani 's exasperation stemmed in part from envy of this brilliant young man .
15 In fact , the behaviour of the janissaries bred a smouldering resentment which erupted from time to time into acts of armed resistance .
16 He wandered from room to room without aim , and without knowing whether he was on the top floor or in the basement , ‘ just up and up and on and on and on ’ .
17 Jessica followed closely , watching the stop-lights and the curly hair she caught from time to time around the head restraint on his front seat .
18 Louis de Broglie also tried from time to time throughout his later life to find ways of reconciling quantum mechanics with a more deterministic picture .
19 Frequently generals thought it best if they were outmanoeuvred to in effect accept an honourable surrender er and er bargains of this kind occurred from time to time between largely mercenary armies .
20 ( 1 ) A recognised body which is a company limited by shares shall insure with authorised insurers against the losses referred to in paragraph ( 3 ) of this Rule over and above the maximum indemnity provided from time to time by the Solicitors Indemnity Fund .
21 motor vehicles owned by the Forestry Commission or by local authorities and used from time to time for the purpose of fighting fires ;
22 He rose to chief of intelligence in Panama 's G-2 in 1970 after providing the populist dictator , General Omar Torrijos , the support to defeat a coup .
23 The traditional style of Roman portrait was revived at the court of the emperor Vespasian ( AD 69–79 ) , a man of modest Italian origin who rose to power through command of an army following a year of civil war .
24 To treat them simply as statements of objective fact , to be proved or disproved by appeal to observation of the world around us , to the speculations and arguments of metaphysical philosophy , or even to the authority of the Bible understood as a collection of ‘ divine truths ’ , is to misconceive their nature and function .
25 The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany referred by way of example to the possibility of requiring the relevant fishing vessel to operate from the member state in which it was registered , its crew to be affiliated to the social security scheme of that member state or supply contracts relating to the purchase of the catch to be concluded with local undertakings .
26 I can remember the long cloudless days when we drove for mile after mile over desert that stretched out around us as flatly as an unruffled sea ; the way we would pull the throttle out so that the needle stood up straight at the figure forty , and then would laze back with our legs stretched out across the bonnet … .
27 People were deemed to consent to the system of government they were born under when they came of age by virtue of the fact of their remaining within that particular society .
28 He appealed against conviction by certificate of the trial judge on a point of law namely :
29 The amendments , which were first noted in the Law Society Gazette of 6 May 1992 , came into force with effect from 1 June 1992 , that is at the same time the changes occasioned by the SAR and the ARR were effective ( Law Society bulletin No 7 provides full details ) .
30 A new Constitution — with 397 articles one of the longest in the world — came into effect at midnight on July 5 , replacing one which dated back to 1886 .
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