Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [vb pp] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 If you 'd been tossed around in the eddies down there I would n't have given much for your chances . ’
2 She 'd thought about going back to her room for a while , maybe find out from Josie what she 'd been caught up in the night before , but it would take her more than half an hour to walk .
3 Yeah , oh yeah I remember it quite well I , I can remember that I , the only parts of Harlow I liked were the country lanes , I did n't like all the new houses , but then I 'd been brought up in the country
4 She wondered how he would be now if he 'd been brought up in the Down Manor Orphanage .
5 The forty women interviewed were asked early in the interview to give an account of their daily routines .
6 As had been realised already in the model experiments , a rotor ship would not make full use of a wind blowing directly from astern .
7 The issue of abortion had been raised earlier in the month when , on June 23 , Bush vetoed legislation which would have lifted the federal ban on funding medical research which used tissue from abortions .
8 During the war Iraq 's oil production had fallen dramatically , and to meet the shortage production had been increased elsewhere in the Gulf .
9 Sancito Caro Brito [ named as Coco Brito on p. 37708 ] ; Jacqueline Mercedes Malagón was later appointed Education Minister in place of Pedro Gil Iturbes , who had been appointed earlier in the year but had resigned after Belaguer publicly accused him of jeopardizing an agreement between the government and the teachers ' association .
10 Nevertheless , the survey concluded that ‘ a very considerable qualitative and quantitative momentum ’ had been built up in the training of part-time teachers for general adult education in the local authority sector and that this was beginning to spill over into vocational teaching .
11 It had been built earlier in the century , and by 1794 was the home of Henry Poole 's uncle , Thomas Poole the elder , an ‘ irritable , arbitrary old man ’ whose bad temper owed only a little to his sufferings from the gout .
12 It replaced three older small stations which had been built there in the 1860s and 1870s .
13 Wiles , it was hoped , would restore the intended seriousness to Doctor Who , which he felt had been lost somewhat in the wake of the Daleks ' success .
14 I told her that I had been involved in one of the IRA attacks when I had been blown up in the Brighton Bomb , and that I had friends and colleagues who had been badly hurt or killed .
15 His dog tags had been blown off in the blast and the head wound had severely damaged his memory so that no one had any idea of his identity .
16 A prelude to 1811 – 12 had been played out in the woollen districts of Wiltshire between 1799 and 1802 .
17 The Doctor had explained that in 1969 a man had walked on the moon ; that unmanned space flights to other stars had been sent out in the 1970s and towards the end of the twentieth century manned space flights had visited other planets in the solar system .
18 It had been sent late in the afternoon of Nov. 20 to all federal agencies and departments , and encountered immediate opposition from many department heads , moderate Republican congressmen , Democrats and civil rights groups .
19 By then Cambridge were down to ten men after skipper Danny O'Shea had been sent off in the 70th minute for a second bookable offence .
20 Carlson was aware of conflicting reports : that Bourbollon had been assassinated earlier in the day ; that he had committed suicide rather than face capture by freedom fighters .
21 Robert had been called up in the First Militia , as it was named , the beginning of National Service which was to continue until some years after the war ended .
22 A post mortem revealed he had been stabbed repeatedly in the chest and died about 7pm on Friday night .
23 Hitherto , most of their mutual transactions had been conducted either in the artificial " transferable rouble " , which was now abolished , or through direct barter and countertrade [ see p. 37630 ] .
24 Viola 's voice had that organ note of the English landed aristocracy , though in her case it had been formed not in the hunting-fields , but on the lonely , sheep expanses of her native land .
25 The law governing corners had been amended earlier in the year to allow such goals .
26 The possibility that some fossils corresponded to species no longer alive today had been noted even in the late seventeenth century , but had been put on one side until now .
27 His bid started to go wrong at the 12th hole and spluttered out at the 17th , the Road Hole , where many an aspiration had been snuffed out in the past .
28 In retrospect , she said , the Budget could have been a great deal worse for disabled people considering what issues had been bandied about in the media recently .
29 They had gone through the buildings when they had searched the area previously but on that occasion , as Owen reminded himself crossly , he had been summoned away in the middle by that foolish District Chief and sent on that wild goose chase down to the river .
30 A spokesman for the Northern Constabulary at Inverness denied the accusations of harassment but confirmed that the site had been visited twice in the last few days and that several people had been charged .
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