Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [vb pp] [adv] on the " in BNC.

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1 It was n't the same corridor : it was narrower than the one they 'd been carried along on the transporter .
2 Davide threw himself on it to stop her pulling it off altogether with the bowl of fruit and the jug of water and glasses with it ; so they grappled , and in the contact something gave way , melted within them both and they clung together , aching in their heads and their bones as if they 'd been caught out on the mountains in the winter and been chilled to the marrow .
3 It was only thirty-six hours since she 'd been washed up on the island like a piece of flotsam , she reminded herself ; early days to start bewailing her fate .
4 The discrepancies which arose were recorded separately on the assessment file .
5 It was wonderful to see how the great court filled , as though the word of her return in triumph had been blown in on the wind .
6 Now he never spoke of it-except once when they were passing , and the smell of it had been blown down on the wind .
7 The question , which had been popped earlier on the stadium 's electronic scoreboard , got the thumbs up .
8 No X-ray had been flashed up on the screen with a football-sized tumour for me to stare at , and my surgeon was playing his cards so close to his chest there was some doubt somewhere .
9 He rang Inspector Lane to check that Sergeant Evans had been sent off on the business in Essex , to be told Evans was already on his way there .
10 However , when the case was brought before the House of Lords in 1991 , Lord Bridge disagreed , concluding that the decision letter had been based entirely on the ‘ special circumstances of the case ’ and that , contrary to SAVE 's fears , no dangerous precedent would be set .
11 In a letter to the head of the air staff secretariat at Whitehall , the Killin team leader , Billy Stitt , said that the provision of helicopters had been based solely on the military requirement for crashed aircraft and the maritime role , with no account taken of the ever-growing number of people suffering serious injury on Scottish mountains .
12 Dr Nathanson said that a reply had been received only on the eve of the press conference and did not alleviate all its concerns .
13 She had been hit violently on the back of the head with a heavy weapon .
14 The goods to he sold had been piled up on the stairs where once " the possessions " had been piled ; bottles of jam and honey , heaps of hermetically sealed provisions , bottles of wine , cakes of chocolate pliable with the heat , tins of biscuits and even a few mouldy hams had been stacked against the splintered stumps which were all that now remained of the banisters Fleury had found so elegant the first evening he had entered the Residency .
15 St Osyth 's College of Education at Clacton-on-Sea proposed a BEd in 1969 and by December of the following year it had been turned down on the grounds that the College did not have an ‘ appropriate academic structure ’ , more thought about the objectives of the course ( it was for teachers of Home Economics ) was needed , the staff needed strengthening , the library expanding and laboratory facilities improving .
16 Government economic policies had led to an erosion of the previously relatively privileged economic position of the miners , who , as recently as June 1990 , had been mobilized successfully on the streets of Bucharest as an intimidating force behind Iliescu 's government and against opposition demonstrators [ see p. 37545 ] .
17 On that , I think it is generally known , that we , that Telford was n't anywhere near the top of the list , and it had been taken purely on the question of the er , needs of the various areas , it 's unlikely that Telford would have succeeded , even with its reduced geographical area , but I made discrete enquiries and was told that the factor which tipped er , the Commission in favour of Telford , and this has an important bearing on what we 're going to discuss later , was the fact that Telford has been very good in taking up schemes and providing their section , and not just the Wreakin District Council , other area , other bodies in Telford , of getting good innovative schemes off the ground and providing the cash , they did n't , as some areas did , get the status , and then hardly do anything about it .
18 When Roe took over at Coniston he inherited the old eighteenth century workings which had been taken down on the Bonsor Vein , in one place , at least , as deep as the old hand chiselled " stollen " Cobbler 's Level .
19 A sheet had been spread out on the ground , and around it had been placed a square of long hard bolsters .
20 Simply , he had been carried away on the potency of his own vision , and come to believe himself infallible .
21 The October revolution had been carried through on the assumption that Russia , although a relatively backward country and hardly ‘ ripe ’ for revolution in a Marxist sense , could help to bring about a European and later a worldwide transition to a communist social order .
22 Perhaps they had been carried out on the orders of someone else ?
23 A UNHCR spokesman said the convoy , stuck at Serb checkpoints since last Monday , had been allowed through on the orders of the Bosnian Serb leader , Radovan Karadzic .
24 The cat had been laid out on the step , like an offering , scarcely recognisable as a grey tabby through the blood that matted its fur .
25 When Ted arrived at the box , the signalman 's corpse had been laid out on the signal frame- and was covered with a sheet , from where he was removed by ambulance to the local hospital .
26 Lodging-houses these , not of the ruthlessly spotless kind kept by Sairellen Thackray but terrifying places — even to Cara — where men and women slept twenty or thirty together on whatever mattresses or bundles of rags had been thrown down on the rotting floor , tramps , drunkards , lechers , syphilitics , crude young whores , wan little virgins turned out of charity-schools who would not be virgins in the morning , packed side by side in the dark and in a horrible proximity which made Cara shudder .
27 When that was discovered she had been thrown out on the streets , and subsequently forced to live in a brothel .
28 Even afterwards at Four Winds , where a marquee had been set up on the lawn , and the guests mingled , Merrill still saw the affair as a disjointed series of impressions .
29 Most of the books that had been set out on the last delivery had gone , and now more volumes were being added .
30 His family background was humble but he had been brought up on the writings of Beatrice and Sidney Webb and the philosophies of George Bernard Shaw .
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