Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [vb pp] [adv prt] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 He had been called on to take the job in the name of the Imam and the survival of the Islamic Republic .
2 During my own research into sea dumping at the time , I was told that in 1976 a team from the Atomic Energy Authority had been called in to decontaminate the Topaz , a ship used to dump Belgian waste , after the wrong type of drum container had been used .
3 Most of the coconut palms had been cleared from the twenty-acre site , and the dense vegetation had been cut back to deepen the crescent-shaped beach where the six low-level Mediterranean accommodation blocks were to be built , each housing twenty rooms , varying in size and design but all with huge covered terraces overhanging the beach with uninterrupted sea views .
4 On the other side of the stockade , the pattern of the vegetation was changing , the earth burning up as the sun reached the ground unchecked , so many big trees had been cut down to erect the Belmont stockade .
5 A heavy police presence , including mounted policemen , had been drafted in to control the protesters , members of the National and Local Government Officers ' Association .
6 In previous years the competition cakes had been auctioned off to benefit the Belltower Restoration Fund — and that had been the intention this year , too — but there would be no bidders , now .
7 A company spokesman would not say what measures had been drawn up to keep the port running normally .
8 In 1970 , an all-party Committee of the Council had been set up to examine the future of the tramway ; rising costs had once again called into question the future of winter tramway operations .
9 Then , in 1975 and 1976 , the CNAA 's committee for Art and Design , which had been set up to monitor the existing provision , instituted a major review and renewal of approval of well over 100 BA honours courses .
10 Kazakhstan 's President Nazarbayev , however , pointed out in an interview after the close of the summit that no executive or supervisory bodies had been set up to monitor the implementation of the agreements reached there .
11 However , publication of records by the press would be only be permitted if authorized by the commission which had been set up to administer the files .
12 Other community teams dealt with all their reviews in one regular weekly meeting which had been set up to meet the requirements of the care programme approach , evidence that this is having a considerable impact on the organization of services in the places where it has been implemented .
13 With that German failure the Allied crisis at Ypres ended , for more and more French troops had been brought up to sustain the salient 's southern flank .
14 The 20 had been brought out to absorb the quantities of low-speed Vikings they were getting .
15 In 1977 , at the time of the Bullock Committee on remoulding industrial relations , Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of West Germany had been brought in to instruct the Prime Minister , Callaghan , and Britain 's industrial leaders and trade unionists on the need to frame a new industrial climate as a basis for productive growth and a revived influence in the world .
16 By this time Gordon Sloan , a Reporter from Strathclyde Region , had been brought in to do the work in Orkney , as the islands ' own Reporter , Mrs Katherine Kemp , was still under suspension , and the details of her case were lying on the Secretary of State 's desk in Edinburgh .
17 As it was a special fundraising dance instead of the regularly fortnightly hop , a three-piece band had been brought in to replace the usual stack of gramophone records and there was ‘ real food ’ — fishpaste sandwiches , sausage rolls and cheese and pineapple on sticks — which the ‘ committee ’ had spent the entire afternoon preparing .
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