Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] he [verb] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It transpired that he had been scouting at the Festival .
2 It transpired that he had been sleeping rough for weeks and that his last known address was a Salvation Army hostel 100 miles away .
3 Writing to a colleague at Caserta , he mentioned that he had been presented with some tricky problems concerning the status of individual British subjects in Austria , and he then went on to mention , among " similar problems " he had been confronted with : " if captured Cossacks fighting with the Germans are to be handed over to the Russians , what should be done with White Russians with French nationality ?
4 The grin left his face as he mentioned that he had been informed about an hour ago that his brother-in-law , who was a member of No. 4 Commando , had been killed during a German counter attack on the Commando positions .
5 Nevertheless , they have demonstrated activity in the visual areas during an imaging task , in the language areas during a verbal task and even , on one - occasion , in the higher visual areas of a schizophrenic patient who subsequently reported that he had been hallucinating .
6 Pascoe realized that he 'd been asking questions that Susan had n't answered .
7 It was some time before he realized that he had been fooled .
8 He was also weaving and Adam realized that he had been drinking .
9 As everyone turned to look at him , Jinny realized that he had been waiting for this moment all the time he was explaining his plan .
10 He asked himself , ‘ What is the direction upon which I have been depending ? ’ , and realized that he had been relying on a sense of what seemed ‘ natural ’ and ‘ right ’ to govern his actions .
11 The husband agreed that he had been bewitched ; he spoke like a somnambulist , in tones of grief .
12 Hoare also agreed that he had been advised by the Director of Public Prosecutions that charges of seditious libel against individuals attacking Jews as a group would in all probability fail .
13 His fingernails were broken and bloody from when he had thrown himself at the door and torn at it , in the moment when he realised that he had been shut into the stall , and what was going to happen next .
14 When best-selling author Max Telligan 's secretary , Liz , and his about-to-be-ex-wife Harriet , read that he has been found dead in Munich , they are stunned .
15 The 18-year-old who caused the accident admitted that he 'd been driving recklessly .
16 A big farmer admitted that he had been selling cotton stalks to agricultural labourers , a new trend in the region .
17 He revealed that he 'd been intending to do an act at the Easter Fete but had abandoned it because he 'd decided it was a load of rubbish .
18 Mansell , who also revealed that he 'd been offered more than twice his wages to go back to Ferrari , added : ‘ Ayrton 's spoiled , always has been — even when he was a kid kart racer .
19 After his exit from Monday 's semi-finals , Black revealed that he had been struggling for five years with a ‘ bio-mechanical ’ problem which affects his body balance and leads to other injuries .
20 And he revealed that he had been promised that he would be the subject of a Mental Health Review Tribunal to consider his permanent release within three weeks of returning to Britain .
21 The Lanercost Chronicler , for example , argued that he had been executed ‘ without parliament and without consideration of weighty and wise advice ’ .
22 The government denied involvement in Toro 's activities but few observers believed that he had been acting on his own initiative .
23 Many commentators believed that he had been nominated because of his self-effacing personality and the fact that he had left no " paper trail " in the form of recorded legal opinions on divisive contemporary issues .
24 He laughed , and then added that he 'd been drunk as a cork himself actually , the night before .
25 Joyce added that he had been informed at Galway , ‘ where I was stationed ’ , that he possessed the same rights and privileges as if ‘ of natural British birth ’ .
26 Both newspapers noted that he had been nicknamed ‘ The Teenage Fox ’ :
27 Rostov noted that he had been excluded .
28 At one minute it seemed that he had been having a fine old dream about Humans and banquets and the Frost Giantess frying on a spit .
29 Leith tried to remember his name , recalled that he had been introduced to her as Travis something or other , checked that Rosemary did not appear under stress , and left them to it .
30 Benstede , who returned looking untidy with streaks of dirt on his face , muttered that he had been manhandled , probably by the French , and was intent on leaving as soon as possible .
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