Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Our data is collected , validated and checked by a 120 strong team — using multiple sources to ensure reliability .
2 Both sides now were in need of respite ; peace endured until 1369 when the French , refreshed and led by a new and able young monarch , Charles V , confronted the English whose king was on the verge of senility and whose government was divided .
3 Antoine Bloye is not simply the story of the life of a father recounted and explained by a communist narrator for the edification of a son .
4 Once he and his family and animals are ritually stoned to death and burned and buried under a great heap of stones , then God 's anger evaporates , and the people are able to attack Ai again , and deliver up its inhabitants , men , women , and children , to the same fate as met those of Jericho ( 8.1–29 ) .
5 I did n't bother the milkman , but a lady kindly came and put in a little battery — and then the neighbours adjusted it and got it going .
6 He struck again , this time bringing the knife down into the top of the man 's head , using all his strength to force it through bone that splintered and cracked with a strident shriek .
7 We have to think ourselves back into a social system and culture very different from our own if we are to respond , in the way P. C. Wren required , to the improbable events and exalted sentiments of the three Geste brothers who , to serve their adored aunt and their fraternal obligations , vanished into the Foreign Legion , taking upon themselves the imputation of having stolen the blue diamond which she had long ago sold and replaced by a fake for the sake of her extravagant husband .
8 Although , and it is important to stress this , most of these methods arose and developed from a diverse range of sources and traditions , their contemporary unity was a rather later achievement , as that collection of ideas we can refer to as variable analysis .
9 There she was squeezed chained , blindfolded and gagged into a coffin-shaped box , which was then slid into a wheelie-bin lying on its side , Richard Wakerley , QC , prosecuting , told Nottingham Crown Court .
10 At that point he was attacked by twelve Bf109s , but evaded and got in a good burst at one that overshot him .
11 Theodossin also implies a third element here , that the scheme began and developed with a wide range of institutional consent precisely because of features of its initial design ( he points , for example , to the choice of a term-long unit and the control retained by staff over field changes , if not module changes , by students ) .
12 Mitchell and Green ( 1978 , Experiment IV ) attempted to distinguish these explanations by presenting subjects with an extract from Pirsig 's novel Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance , which began and ended with a simple concrete description of the countryside .
13 While still centred on Greek tragedy and associated topics , the plan began and ended with a wide range of other subjects from Buddhism to modern culture and education , from Schiller and Goethe and their drama to the generalities of " art " , " religion " and " science " ; the Greek items went from " Dionysus and Apollo " to " Plato against art " , via the central " music and drama " The plan contained no Greek items unrelated to tragedy , or the birth and death of tragedy , which makes it the earliest of Nietzsche 's plans to define the scope of the Greek material as eventually realized in BT .
14 They may seem inexpensive , but a will is a legal document and should be drawn up carefully and signed and witnessed in a particular way .
15 He was once credited with bringing back from Sweden the secret of how the mill worked , which he discovered while disguised as a wandering fiddler ( hence the nickname , ‘ Fiddler ’ Foley ) ; but it now seems clear that the first slitting mill in England was set up at Dartford , Kent , in 1590 .
16 Thus ‘ abstract ’ is opposed to ‘ concrete ’ , ‘ explicit ’ to ‘ implicit ’ , ‘ elaborated code ’ to ‘ restricted code ’ , ‘ extensional structure ’ to ‘ in tensional structure ’ , and these types are taken to be related to differing kinds of social experience mediated or formed by a literate organization of reality , on the one hand , and an oral organization of reality , on the other .
17 They grew up loved and cherished in a large family with three older sisters .
18 Keening by the side of the corpse , the professional nacarena still howled her tale of the deceased , spinning it out from scraps of information the family had told her , and then delivering it bound and knotted into a customary warp of praise and lamentation with the reassuring catch-phrases that were always used , to level the pleasant and the unpleasant , the cherished and the despised into a democracy of death , making each death absolutely regrettable , knitting up into the web of the dirge the separate individuals of the community .
19 Half-blinded , Melissa faltered , stumbled and collided with a burly figure hurrying towards the building .
20 Lucker walks off to the car across the yard , pitted and dotted from a recent smatter of rain .
21 She watched as Dana twirled and twisted before a long mirror , making the dress shimmer with a thousand lights .
22 Locke wrote and published on a considerable variety of topics : not only on various branches of philosophy , but also on education , economics , theology , and medicine .
23 Since the light hurt his blinded eye , and indeed the cut which had damaged it was not yet healed , he went with it bandaged and darkened with a black shade .
24 The theatres around the bar play out all the trifles of TV soap life , larger , its little pains domesticated , microwaved and packaged into a popular night out .
25 Riven hung on to his mount 's bridle grimly whilst it bucked and reared in a desperate effort to get away .
26 They have roughly the same diameter down their whole length , but instead of being straight they have many short undulations , making them appear crimped or crinkled when viewed under a magnifying lens .
27 And suddenly , in the midst of the turmoil , everything steadied and locked into a slow relentless rhythm .
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