Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Gilvear 's study found that most often the breaches in the embankments occurred where they overlaid old channels and were vulnerable to erosion .
2 I was very annoyed over the whole business this end , when it transpired that nobody had any information on the subject either .
3 They proposed that they became Frankish vassals in return for protection against the expanding might of Abd-ar-Rahman the Ommeyad , who had taken over virtually the whole of Spain .
4 I proposed that I teach one woman what I knew so that she could teach the others after we got more machines .
5 The doctor arrived and after examining me pronounced that I had some sort of mystery virus , and there was nothing he could do for me .
6 The monopolistic merchants found that they had insufficient capital to advance the loans required ; there was much evasion of the monopolies ; and the export trade itself was disrupted by the crown 's impressment of merchant shipping for war , and its political pressures on Flanders .
7 ‘ When I got to my door I found that I had this cement cock in my pocket .
8 They then got his notes out and found that he had malignant hypertension — just high blood pressure .
9 The mocking-birds were probably his best clue , since here he found that he had clear evidence showing that the populations of different islands were quite distinct .
10 John Gadsby who travelled across France in 1855 found that he needed two greatcoats and a large travelling wrapper to keep himself warm even though the carriage was supplied with hot footwarmers which were renewed at certain stops along the route .
11 Talking to a tobacconist I found that he has some women customers and a range of smaller pipes for them to choose from .
12 Sally found that she had good abilities in this area .
13 She took out her wallet and found that she had six pounds and ten shillings which she placed on the chair by his bed ; ‘ Will that be enough to be going on with ? ’ she asked .
14 Okapi was certainly easy to use and most people found that it needed minimal learning and relearning .
15 ‘ I had always thought that its grip on me was purely personal , ’ wrote Amanda , ‘ — I loved it simply because it was my home — but then I found that it caught other people in its web too . ’
16 Harvard 's experiments on bird tumours , for example , showed that viral insertion increased the expression of the myc gene — and Croce and his collaborators reported that they found increased expression of myc in Burkin 's lymphomas ( Science , vol 21 8 , p 983 ) .
17 The provision of specialised consultants for accident units also came under criticism and the committee reported that it took seven years , until 1992 , for the number of A&E consultants in Scotland to increase from 11 to 23 , even though the most recent review concluded that 34 were needed .
18 Now he rose and they faced each other across the table .
19 In the nineteenth century this all changed because opiates became much more widely and cheaply available so er babies were dosed with paregoric to stop them crying erm er and subsequently in the twentieth century that stopped and we do other things now .
20 She stopped and they faced each other .
21 The Netherlands disagreed because it thought harmonised taxes would be too weak .
22 Two days of warm spring weather opened the flowers of forsythia bushes in the neglected garden behind Merrill 's flat , and she hummed as she cut long stems of the starry yellow blossom .
23 Differently again , the overture to A Month in the Country conveys romantic nostalgia with deeper hints of passion which Lanchbery created when he arranged little-known music by Chopin .
24 The Minister does not know the figures , but I shall tell him what farmers in Orkney found when they made simple inquiries .
25 He excelled when he caught fine rays of sunlight dappling the surface of a lake .
26 Faldo conceded the French and Belgian Opens when victory seemed a formality and he bristled when I questioned these fallibilities during his march to triumph in the European Open at Sunningdale .
27 Surkov 's hand trembled as he lit another cigarette .
28 Trade unionists knew that they could only achieve a limited level of their ambitions through industrial means and they realized that they needed working class MPs to support them in parliament .
29 When , in 1884 , G. T. Clark [ q.v. ] published his Mediaeval Military Architecture in England , she realized that it contained false assumptions about the origins of the various mounds or mottes scattered over the British Isles .
30 She realized that she had some confusions of her own that needed sorting out .
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