Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [verb] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was never still and no two waves rose and broke the same way .
2 After about eight issues he picked up a copy and noticed that Bowart-using the same technique he had used to appoint Miles London correspondent — had appointed him , and William Randolph Hearst as editors .
3 ‘ Shit , ’ she murmured and punched the same digits .
4 Ten years later I discovered while watching the same film on TV that the shadow was n't part of the film after all : it was Um Al-Marhoom 's shadow [ Um Al-Marhoom is what we in the Middle East call the woman who is left without children after the death of her only son ] , trying to sell some boiled chickpeas to us children .
5 All that crap about ‘ I do n't know why I lurv you but I do ’ was bollocks 'cos he then went and said the same things to the scum .
6 He had been there when his Auntie Margaret died and heard the same sound .
7 Ironically , two great predecessors , Mallory and Irvine , died whilst attempting the same route in 1924 .
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