Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [verb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to sending military units , the USA also imposed a complete trade embargo on Iraq which included the prohibition of exports to any entity operated from Iraq or owned or controlled by the government of Iraq .
2 Upon recovery from the overdose , Charles said he had not cared whether he lived or died at the time of taking the tablets , but wanted to show Ann how desperate he was feeling .
3 " Collection " covers " a collection got together for a temporary purpose " , but not one " made or exhibited for the purpose of effecting sales or other commercial dealings " .
4 Gunfire was directed even at them and they fled or fell to the ground .
5 Fergus , who had stormed castles and laid siege to fortresses and who knew the arts of infiltration as well as he knew the Twelve Books of Honour , found himself summoning every shred and every tag-end of legend and myth and lore ever whispered or recounted or imagined about the Prison .
6 The C[atholic] C[urate] was sent out to patrol the roads and anybody found or seen on the roads had to give their names .
7 The NUT , reporting to the Younger Committee on Privacy in 1972 , proposed that reports about a child 's misbehaviour should be kept from parents and that information on the pupil or his home background ‘ which might be gleaned from hearsay or possibly based on malicious gossip ’ should not be kept on a permanent record .
8 Another way of putting this would be to say that Althusser demonstrated that according to the protocols of conventional logic , history is impossible .
9 He found that gazing at the CO 's moustache helped .
10 They found that allowing for the tax timing option ( as well as stochastic interest rates and different income and capital gains tax rates ) in the no-arbitrage condition resulted in the no-arbitrage prices of the S&P500 moving much closer to the actual prices for the period June 1982 to September 1982 than if no such adjustments were made to the no-arbitrage condition .
11 In their own study which actually involved recording EEG/EOG measures of sleeping shiftworkers in their own homes using a portable tape recorder , they also found that sleep during the day was generally shorter than night-time sleep , and more frequently interrupted by awakenings .
12 In work which addresses the impact of the Women 's Liberation Movement on female crime rates , Box and Hale ( 1984 ) found that increases in the rate of female unemployment were significantly related to increases in the rate of conviction for violent crime ( assault and wounding ) , theft , handling stolen goods and fraud .
13 The Frasque , that had seemed so desiccated and invulnerable , shrivelled and burned at the Capellans ' slightest gesture .
14 The self-inflicted pain goaded him into a furious spasm , but as he strained and thrashed against the wicker walls in the darkness all he achieved was the sense that the basket had not yielded a millimetre .
15 Fran shrugged , turning her face away from his calculating scrutiny , studying the way the moonlight bounced and sparkled off the water with a fixed expression on her face .
16 Sir John Menzies was part of that , by his marriage to Atholl 's daughter , and Atholl dined and intrigued with the Lord Advocate when he went to Edinburgh for the season .
17 They entered and asked for a room for the night and a meal of cold meat and beer , which they ate in the bar .
18 Regression coefficients and their standard error were calculated with a CYBER 855 computer for those variables which entered and remained in the regression equation .
19 They disembarked and stayed in a tavern near the Tower for the rest of the day .
20 She grieved for her father and worried about Maggie , but most of all she fumed and cried over the affair with James Halden .
21 Their ecological dominance and biological success for the past 80 to 100 million years may stem from the fact that they were the first group of predatory social insects that both foraged and lived in the realm of rotting vegetation on the ground .
22 BELOW : Guard , , society membership secretary is pictured with the carriages he designed and built for the railway .
23 They grumbled and stirred like a waking kraken .
24 A type 2 statistical error is possible in a clinical study of 17 patients , but our observations were very precise and carefully validated and agree with the results of a recent much larger study from Australia .
25 His eyes were still lingering on the curves hidden by the black material that caught and shimmered in the light as she moved .
26 It caught and twisted at the heart , and there was no armour against it .
27 Someone threw a bunch of red roses , which he caught and put on the bar .
28 He opened his eyes , his consciousness hazed and slowed by the kif he had smoked , and focused with difficulty on the watch on the bedside table .
29 They hooted and waved at the boats as they whizzed by .
30 One of them , Prof John Sargent , was among a band of eminent researchers in Britain , the United States , Canada , Italy and France who were bullied , cajoled and encouraged by the Odones to help in producing treatment that would save their son 's life .
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