Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] have the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Richard Collin , Darlington 's director of central services , said districts like Ryedale and Scarborough did not have the same problems as some of County Durham 's former pit villages .
2 Unlike some couturiers Madame did not mind if her model girls did not have the same colour hair but she did insist on identical styles .
3 For even if the setting did not have the same grandeur and the leading characters did not have the same epic cast as twenty years earlier , the role that de Gaulle himself had to play was at least as arduous as that which he had played in the Second World War .
4 ‘ Small companies did not have the same advantages as large organisations , ’ confirms Jan Murray , chairman and managing director of PC World .
5 We were so far behind the group that King Hussein got us permission to fly the pipeline across Saudi Arabia ; the group which did not have the same permission had to backtrack to Luxor , before crossing the Arabian Peninsula .
6 Another overseas power with which England had uneasy relations , particularly over trading matters , was the league of Hanse towns of North Germany ; there were times when these developed into open warfare , but although this affected trade , it did not have the same repercussions on society as did the wars with France .
7 He had been replaced by Ludwig Erhard , who did not have the same degree of commitment to a Franco-German core within the EEC .
8 For even if the setting did not have the same grandeur and the leading characters did not have the same epic cast as twenty years earlier , the role that de Gaulle himself had to play was at least as arduous as that which he had played in the Second World War .
9 They aim to capture the same market — small to medium-sized businesses that in the past did not have the same buying power as blue-chip companies .
10 When researchers tried to mimic the results on other animals , such as chick embryos , it did not have the same effect .
11 You need special cards to get in even if you are a visitor but so far as the computer is concerned that did not have the same security ? ’
12 Lawren was in his ‘ abstract period ’ then , which did not have the same appeal as his earlier cold , stark paintings of mountain and woodland .
13 An official ‘ democracy wall ’ in another part of the city did not have the same appeal as the original and even that was closed down in September 1980 .
14 But whereas the year before the absence of yellowing was proof that Britain did not have the same forest decline as in Europe , its discovery did not show that Britain did have the same forest decline .
15 Furthermore , they did not have the same access to health services that future generations will have received .
16 " When I was dealing with the men personally I generally got them to see matters from my point of view , but unfortunately I could not stay in any one port for any length of time ; my subordinates did not have the same control over men as I did " .
17 ‘ I did n't have the most stamina in the world , I was called a lazy player but I could have played till midnight .
18 He gave me her phone number so I went around , but did n't have the same experience .
19 Well absolutely , I mean we 've got together a little earlier this year to make sure we did n't have the same problem as last year , and obviously that 's a good thing to get all the problems out of the way so early and so we can all plan ahead for next year without facing any problems that , you know , just before the season starts like we did this year , so altogether a good thing , yes .
20 Both the print and slide films I used of landscapes turned out well , although my surfing shots did n't have the same richness of colours .
21 During my youth , women did n't have the same expectations as they do today , nor were there methods for not having children .
22 Sam , being an even-tempered chap who did n't have the same need to brag as Harry , took it all in good part .
23 It is interesting to note that all the prescriptions subsequent to Phos LM3 were made up in 5ml dropper bottles except Phos LM8 which was put in a 100ml bottle by mistake and did n't have the same effect .
24 Graham reflected : ‘ We did n't have the same desire as Leeds .
25 So I did n't have the same opportunities as other young people in the post-war years .
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