Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] high [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Twice in the last five years — in December 1990 and December 1992 — scientists from the University of Chicago registered abnormally high levels of uv-B radiation ( the most harmful ) in the city .
2 He said the study found surprisingly high levels of discontent with body weight and shape in pre-adolescent girls and boys .
3 Huber et al showed more plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in malignant ascites than in alcoholic ascites and Casslen and Astedt found significantly higher concentrations of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in malignant ascites than in benign ascites .
4 Glaxo rightly points out that Astra used very high levels of ranitidine , several hundred times the normal human intake and far greater than the doses of omeprazole Astra fed to rats .
5 In a joint statement , Councillor Gregory Campbell and Bill Irwin of the DUP said : ‘ The Child Poverty Action Group in Londonderry recently completed a survey of a number of estates , on of which was the Caw area , where they found very high incidences of deprivation .
6 After moving to a staffed house the person received much higher levels of assistance from staff as well as higher levels of other contact .
7 Vitrinites from anthracites , however , showed very high values of T max ( greater than 600°C ) .
8 Surveys of dolphin tissues for mercury carried out in 1978 by Japanese scientists showed very high levels of mercury in local dolphins .
9 The sites investigated by Prof. Iain Thornton of Imperial College in London showed very high concentration of metals , in some cases more than 1 per cent of the total soil .
10 Is the Minister aware that on 10 December the National Rivers Authority told me , by letter , that it had taken two samples from the river — above the Coalite plant and below — and that the sample from the river above the plant showed a low level of dioxin , the one below the plant showed considerably higher levels of dioxin and that it is now certain that the dioxin is coming from the Coalite plant ?
11 In 1982 the programme area was extended to cover an adjoining neighbourhood , California Kirkbride , which registered similarly high rates of deprivation to the original six neighbourhoods ( Allegheny West , Central North Side , East Allegheny , Fineview , Manchester and Perry South ) .
12 To nobody 's surprise , they discovered extremely high levels of anaemia , diabetes , bronchial disorder and child deaths — which might have been the result of poor diet , pollution and the general mess of the Soviet economy .
13 Thames blamed unacceptably high levels of pesticide use by farmers , local authorities and British Rail for its poor showing .
14 Thus , low dependency psychiatric patients were replaced by patients who required much higher levels of staffing without a commensurate increase in funding .
15 In the entertainments industry , too , it was suggested that seasonal staff exhibited much higher rates of turnover than regular staff .
16 Malignant ascites contained significantly higher concentrations of urokinase ( 0.7 ( <0.1- 1.3 ) ng/ml v 0.2 ( <0.1–0.6 ) ng/ml in alcoholic ascites ) and plasminogen activator inhibitor 2 ( 33 ( <6–140 ) ng/ml v 9 ( <6–28 ) ng/ml alcoholic ascites ) .
17 Their work levels were lowest in writing , drawing/painting , or tasks which involved movement from one part of the room to another , and all three of these activities generated very high levels of routine behaviour .
18 In some cases new crops and local innovation made quite high levels of population density possible , and reduced the necessary fallow period to only one or two years .
19 All the tested tRNA Asp variants gave relatively high levels of m 5 C ( Table 1 ) .
20 Tests revealed that he had abnormally high levels of insulin in his blood , which could only have been injected .
21 2 of the 6 patients had unusually high concentrations of glutamate : 75 ( 1.3 ) and 49 ( 2.4 ) mol/L in the epileptogenic hippocampus , and 68 ( 2.8 ) and 47 ( 1.8 ) mol/L in the non-epileptogenic hippocampus respectively .
22 Several areas had very high densities of theses , and these were re-scaled and re-plotted as Figures 7 and 8 .
23 Thank you chair , erm many of you will perhaps know that the health authority did some pioneering work looking at different standard mortality ratios in different wards in Oxfordshire , and came up with some rather disturbing evidence that some of the wards had significantly higher incidents of death for people primarily in the forty-five to sixty-four age range than others , and Phil and myself wish to continue that work by targeting those wards with a range of measures designed to alleviate some of those health inequalities .
24 At Long Wittenham I the presence of amber beads makes little difference to the nature of the brooches accompanying the graves , but those graves with such beads had significantly higher quantities of rings , coins , pins and toilet implements .
25 From its analysis it appears that the eight anti-hepatitis C virus negative patients with both ANA-H and SMA-AA had significantly higher values of serum gamma globulins than those with either ANA-H or SMA-AA , irrespectively to the anti-hepatitis C virus result .
26 Also patients with cirrhosis had significantly higher concentrations of laminin in serum than controls ( p<0.0001 ) .
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