Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [adv] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Roughly 60% of the export credits was extended in foreign currency and used almost exclusively for the financing of ships and passenger aircraft .
2 I think it just came back here for the milk and then it 'll be away .
3 I have n't seen the draft guidelines that came out yesterday for the registration of nursing homes but I understand that they do n't actually address these issues .
4 It also compensated very thoroughly for the disaster of her relationship with Guy , who received short shrift when he telephoned on his return to London from Wales .
5 He spread out some fodder for them and then turned once again for the track to the moor-top .
6 Hundreds of car enthusiasts turned up today for the South Lincolnshire Motor Show .
7 This time the party campaigned more effectively for the treaty and 60% of its supporters voted Yes .
8 The historical legacy of women 's artistic practices must be acknowledged and researched not only for the sake of justice .
9 Although confessing to being ‘ a bit surprised ’ , she told ACCOUNTANCY : ‘ I worked quite hard for the month before but in the end , it 's a question of learning the stuff , and making sure you remember it when you get in there . ’
10 Many of them went only partly for the money .
11 It is extraordinary that it took so long for the importance of this to be realised in Britain .
12 Stefan , perhaps you would be good enough to arrange for them to be collected from my apartment in Vienna and brought down here for the wardrobe woman . ’
13 In an upstairs bedroom — the kidnappers tended to avoid the downstairs rooms during daylight hours , despite the thick net curtains that screened them — the South African was seated at a table brought up there for the purpose .
14 And then er that was that till Saturday evening , especially in the winter , then you went back again for the evening rounds .
15 When the London staff , gathered round specially for the occasion , began to deliver their verdict and the litany began to roll , Sutton was staggered by their ferocity .
16 North dropped the bread into the toaster , noticed that it did n't operate when he pressed the lever and looked round vaguely for the reason .
17 New Barnes School is the subject of a separate investigation by the police and social services into child abuse and has remained closed since it shut down early for the Summer break .
18 Such a policy , the court held , was improper , since a ‘ business corporation is organized and carried on primarily for the profit of the stockholders .
19 What seemed so dreadful was that he waited so long for the Premiership , and held it for so short a time …
20 Hari took the money out of the old cracked teapot she kept on the shelf , she had just enough for the rent and she smiled in relief .
21 Equally useful on either wing ( though he featured more frequently for the Palace on the left flank ) , Billy 's versatility was an extremely valuable part of the Palace attack in those early years of the club , and only three players made more Southern League appearances for us than he did .
22 They had like well for the sake of saying , pigeon co for food and even poultry food like , you know , such as er , well they used to call it Sharp 's and mix it up like into a mash , you know .
23 With a feeling of having been unexpectedly let out of school , I drove over the hills on the road to Reading and coasted along the unfenced part of the Quillersedge Estate until I thought I 'd come more or less to where Gareth had dropped the paint : parked off the road there and searched more closely for the place on foot .
24 But the ball ran too fast for the striker who , with an open goal ahead of him , could only hit the side-netting .
25 He meant , among other things , are you living with anyone ? and she knew it , but she cared too much for the day together to tell him one way or the other .
26 Pupils would then lob ping-pong balls in his direction and he would swing his tremendous member with the aim of knocking the balls into a waste-bin set up especially for the occasion .
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