Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [prep] the [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 From a pocket he drew a small cylindrical probe , and he stalked slowly around the room with it , pointing it at every piece of furniture and ornamentation with a sensitive ear tuned to the probe 's faint hum .
2 Malcolm got right on the phone with him and sorted it out .
3 I did go out with one of me mates once and he was going burgling and I needed to do one 'cos I had no money or nothing , strung out , and he went to the Old Hall Estate and broke into a house and I got in through the window with him and I just looked around and saw all these photographs of , y'know like , the family that lived there with the kids and that and I just got this horrible feeling , so I just got out the window and walked away , even though I was strung out and I did n't pick nothing up , I just left him to it ‘ cos , like , though all the burglaries I 'd done , they 'd all been shops .
4 After the home club and Southend took the top places , Colchester Joggers got in on the act with the team bronze , a first for the club over this distance .
5 The Grand Masters of Valiance argued long into the night with Implexion and his staff , claiming that Valiance should not be viewed as a rival religion , but simply as a fellowship that promoted justice for the weak and helpless .
6 They plunged down into the forest with a great clattering of hooves and jingling of harness , and the acrid smell of horse-dung lingered about the village for days afterwards .
7 LUKE PARKED HIS Chevrolet Celebrity on the fifth floor of the studio carpark and rode down in the elevator with two minor executives in tracksuits who were discussing the latest records broken by ‘ 'T IS He Whose Yester-evening 's High Disdain ’ .
8 To Erika 's intense annoyance , Fritz promptly accepted the invitation — obeyed the command , rather — and as Rosa moved on to the floor with another boy , she was left feeling abandoned — and foolish .
9 Fig. 13 Submerged oxygenating plants are usually sold as bunches of unrooted cuttings , fastened together at the base with a strip of lead , which acts as a weight to hold them down .
10 Submerged oxygenating plants are usually sold as bunches of unrooted cuttings , fastened together at the base with a strip of lead .
11 As he knelt down by the fire with a hare leg to gnaw , Farquhar Neas studied her again .
12 She sank down on the bed with the photograph gripped so tightly in her hands that the paper buckled .
13 She foraged deeper inside the box with her arm plunged in almost up to the shoulder .
14 This was a prevalent interpretation within the EEC , and one which was reinforced by the tone of the debate in the British House of Commons upon the Stockholm Convention , in which most speakers concentrated more upon the relationship with the EEC than upon the organisation and aims of EFTA .
15 We lined up for the final with the usual American din coming from the stands .
16 Jasper knelt up on the seats with the rest of them to observe out of the window their progress to Kensington High Street .
17 After about forty minutes Van Gelder moved up into the bows with a portable six-inch searchlight which , on such a clear night , had an effective range of over a mile .
18 He moved up to the counter with the air of a man who does n't like having to go through a routine once again but is prepared to do so , all right then here 's my card if you insist !
19 One of the most moving is the Common Riding at Selkirk , whose Flodden memorial with its inscription O , Flodden Field recalls the single local survivor who staggered back from the battle with an English standard , now lodged in the town museum .
20 The period 1945 — 90 saw the number of morning papers decline , with total sales fluctuating ; gains and losses among the evening titles , with a long term decline in sales ; and more losses than gains among the weeklies , whose market changed sharply towards the end with the arrival of free sheets .
21 Birmingham boss Terry Cooper blasted his players after they crashed out of the Cup with a 3-0 loss at Lucchese .
22 And the failure of IBM management is that it did n't understand — and still does n't understand — the extent of the mischief the genie of open systems it let out of the bottle with the original open IBM Personal Computer , could wreak .
23 Gasping at the weight , she staggered out to the dustbin with the jam jars .
24 Ten minutes later , drunk as a judge , I staggered out into the afternoon with the two LPs under my arm and ten years of getting paid once every two months ahead of me .
25 Here the Palestinians clustered excitedly around the mouth with their backs to the snows of Hermon .
26 A few minutes later , feeling decidedly the worse for wear after the last Armagnac had been downed , Mark moved unsteadily into the lift with his voluptuous mate .
27 Eddie also got through in the singles with a 21–7 win over Eddie Price and Maureen Fearon , the Irish international bowler from Dungannon beat L. Hill 21–17 and then teamed up with Fra Brady to beat A and M Hoey in the mixed pairs .
28 His BMW hit an embankment and coasted slowly off the track with Hulme , 56 , apparently already dead at the wheel from a heart attack .
29 " Let's have him out , " I gasped , and as the young man pulled on the forelegs I supported the body , which slid and toppled on to the tarmac with a horrible limpness .
30 It teetered on one edge of its base , and toppled on to the platform with surprisingly little noise but with enough force for Bernice to feel the floor move beneath her feet and a blast of displaced air brush against her face .
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