Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [conj] i [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Who did you say you were looking for ? ’ she asked suspiciously as I pulled up a weatherbeaten bus seat .
2 He was just the bloke in the crowd what came over when I drew up . ’
3 So much so , that I missed my stop when it finally came round and I ended up stranded in a place called Parliament Hill Fields , where you ca n't get a bus or a tube anywhere except back to the BBC .
4 ‘ It was so late when we finished yesterday that I queued up for 20 minutes for a takeaway hamburger , ’ he said .
5 to smithereens but it went off and I woke up
6 I did n't know if Jim had bolted it when he went to work cos he went out before I got up .
7 Reality was more drab , I thought ruefully when I woke up .
8 It began with a dream I had just before I got up .
9 But she did not forget ‘ sitting on me grandad 's rocking chair combing his hair and I can always remember him sat there and me stood up behind him : I 'd comb his hair for hours and he just sat there and let me . ’
10 Only the young Swede and the attendant took a sympathetic interest and pointed helpfully as I gathered up the meatballs and deposited them in the ashtray .
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