Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [verb] [noun pl] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once incorporated into Muscovy , the Ukraine radiated deeply unsettling currents of thought .
2 They 'd all got loads of money .
3 He was asked why he 'd later dumped lengths of pipe at nearby Slade Quarry and then twice lied to police about it .
4 Stirling , who arrived back bearing gifts of tobacco and rum , had made a lightning tour of headquarters , complaining of his treatment by the Eighth Army , and had managed to extract promises of greater cooperation in future .
5 She made a harbour with a jetty and when it was finished to her satisfaction , got up to find pieces of stick to float in it .
6 Every week somebody from Wales or London flew over to discuss aspects of design or production schedules with her as well as the regular , more formal selection meetings , held at least every two months .
7 The Commission responsible for preparing the Convention decided not to include courts of arbitration , but there is no clarity on the position of administrative tribunals , many of which closely resemble ordinary courts , whilst others do not .
8 The blackbird then flew up and took the cheese from his hand and kept on taking pieces of cheese .
9 There was a burst of cheering , and black-coated waiters surged forward bearing trays of champagne .
10 He did apparently display signs of hypochondria , however — Herbert Read remembered how he was " addicted to pills and potions " and , according to another friend , he kept a variety of pills in his lower waistcoat pocket — but hypochondria , if such it was , was only one aspect of a larger nervous disposition .
11 The national gallery told the Minister 's predecessor , the right hon. Member for Shoreham — no doubt the arguments were repeated to the Minister personally by many of the trustees and directors of the museums — that they did not want powers of disposal — not because they did not trust their own intellectual judgment , but , following the line set down in the Museums and Galleries Commission 's 1988 report on the national gallery , because those powers should not be forced on the galleries .
12 Proast was restored in 1692 , but did not secure arrears of stipend , and the case dragged on until 1698 , in the reign of Archbishop Thomas Tenison [ q.v . ] .
13 That the economy did not show signs of recovery once hostilities had ceased had more to do with the political choices made by the Franco regime than with the economic structures themselves .
14 She will attack the Hague declaration , a French initiative signed on March 12 , this year , where 24 heads of state proposed a UN agency empowered to impose sanctions on governments that did not reduce emissions of greenhouse gases .
15 The Argentinian Foreign Minister said that his country did not require guarantees of sovereignty over the Falklands as long as they remained in Argentinian possession , and strikes broke out in hospitals .
16 He presented himself as organizer of reciprocities ( ‘ Am I to ask them for a dinar when you are sick ? ’ ) rather than as lineage banker : he noticeably did not raise issues of authority .
17 Well , Shannon had never met an idol yet who did n't possess feet of clay , and there was nothing to suggest he was the exception .
18 It would n't be though , because cows lumbered and splashed , clumsy domesticated animals who did n't obey rules of survival .
19 It did n't have walls of gingerbread .
20 After the bubble burst and concerns about the market grew , annual Show results became closely watched indicators of market strength .
21 Existing comprehensive schools in Coventry , for example , had successfully developed forms of organization based upon the ‘ house ’ — a unit in which a pupil would remain throughout his school career , and to which also belonged a group of teachers .
22 What these critics did not see so clearly was that elsewhere customary tenures had so confused conceptions of ownership that a clear , profitable , and workable landlord-tenant relationship was difficult to conceive ; while in many regions customary quit rents gave the landlord little surplus to invest , even had he been inclined so to do .
23 It was bonfire night and townships had long prepared stacks of driftwood and domestic combustibles .
24 He had long shown traces of absent-mindedness .
25 Richard , however , had already made overtures of friendship to the Sicilian king and cemented this by giving him a rich and generous gift — Excalibur , the magical sword of King Arthur .
26 By the early nineteenth century some areas and classes had already achieved levels of survival not enjoyed by the country as a whole until about 1900 .
27 Chief Judge Platt had already shown signs of distress over the government 's intransigence .
28 By 1939 it was widely believed that no more wooden aeroplanes would be built and this might have come true if the War had not created shortages of aluminium and of the machinery and skilled men for handling it .
29 India 's Foreign Secretary , S. K. Singh , however , rejected at the standing committee meeting a proposal to open SAARC to external bodies , on the grounds that such a move would be " premature " when the association itself still had not entered areas of co-operation such as trade , industry and finance .
30 Giraffes feeding on acacia , startled by my presence , ran off leaving puffs of dust where each foot struck the ground .
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