Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] for [art] [num ord] time " in BNC.

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1 This back parlour , Hope thought , as he entered it for the third time that day , is like a little theatre : Act I , Colonel Moore ; Act II , Amaryllis ; Act III
2 He had one made up , used it for the first time in the 1989 Jersey Open and finished joint fifth , 5-under par and only two behind play-off victor Christy O'Connor Jnr .
3 Just then he noticed me for the first time .
4 He buggered me for the first time that night , reaching round and putting his hand over my mouth , tearing me in two .
5 They just were n't compatible , she told herself for the umpteenth time .
6 This is crazy , she told herself for the umpteenth time .
7 Then Folly reached the top of the steps , and the woman noticed her for the first time .
8 ‘ We do n't want you to be neglected , ’ I told him for the umptieth time .
9 ‘ Not today , thank you , ’ I told him for the umptieth time .
10 Jean Cocteau , Peggy Guggenheim tells us in her autobiography Confessions of an Art Addict , received her for the first time comfortably horizontal between the sheets , smoking opium .
11 Putting their dinner on the table , Trent reached for the photograph and studied it for the umpteenth time since finding it on Don Roberto 's piano — his mother , and the Colonel as a young man .
12 That was when I met you for the first time , last week , at the consciousness-raising group that we started at the women 's centre a few weeks ago .
13 I defended myself for the first time : I pushed him away .
14 Bessie kissed me for the last time as I held tightly to her .
15 I experienced the joy and excitement of the subject as I discovered something for the first time .
16 So , ‘ Goodnight , Ven , ’ she bade him for a third time , only this time she stretched up to him and touched her lips to his cheek .
17 In the car on the return journey , clutching the row of books like a concertina , Mungo thanked him for the third time , promising to pay him the moment they got home .
18 I kissed her for the last time as she lay in her hospital bed : the bedclothes were crisp and undisturbed , and she looked very clean , just as she would have wanted to ; and very small , because she was so old , and having started life none too big had ended up , at the age of ninety-one , not much bigger than a child .
19 The quarrel between faith and unbelief touched him for the first time and unsettled his mind .
20 The first indication that anything was wrong came three months after I had let the tank up and stocked it for the first time .
21 ‘ I heard it for the first time on Saturday morning . ’
22 Do I want this job so badly ? she asked herself for the hundredth time .
23 As they began to climb the stairs , arms still wrapped around each other , Ronni asked herself for the hundredth time what she would do if he did .
24 So what was wrong with her ? she asked herself for the hundredth time as she sat sipping a glass of wine in his apartment in the Barbican some weeks after they 'd first met .
25 It hit me for the first time that the bands and comedians were going to be performing here for free , for John , for us .
26 When my feeble protests were ignored back there it hit me for the first time that I was n't a civilian any more .
27 Carers are likely to be looking after a dying loved one for the first time in their life ; their anxieties may be greater than the patient 's .
28 As he unhesitatingly obeyed , she watched him , really examined him for the first time in their acquaintance .
29 I flew it for the first time to Dupage Airport to replace the ninety-channel radio with a 720-channel unit , then on to Janesville , Wisconsin , for paint work and a new headliner .
30 Sheppard modelled the statue in 1911–12 and exhibited it for the first time in 1914 .
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