Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] the [adj] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 One of the tragedies to that it has now become so expensive but is very difficult but not because it was sponsored but somebody told me the other night that the Billy Connolly programme excuse me Billy Connolly programme about art and culture was
2 ‘ It 's a fine idea , but Mrs. Olinton told me the other day that Mr. Olinton would n't lend any of his buildings to Scouts or Guides or Brownies or Cubs .
3 ‘ You told me the other day that you could n't remember the farewell party very clearly , ’ she began .
4 A vicar in Battersea told me the other day that when he went to the church festival of Christmas at the local primary school — one of the schools within his parish — there was plenty of Father Christmas and jingle bells , but not one reference to Jesus .
5 Yeah Sue told me the other day that er she wo n't come out till she 's , she 's right cold .
6 The Minister told me the other week that compulsory competitive tendering can produce savings of 8 per cent .
7 At one station we were stopped for several hours alongside a troop train on which I discovered the Reverend R.H.L. Slater , now enrolled as an army chaplain , who told me the comforting news that my wife and three children had got away from Myitkyina a day or two earlier .
8 You see a woman see a woman and your man did n't know where he was , and then she walked out one night and put her hand through the window and she ripped it from there to there and she said the doctors told her the only thing that stopped her the arm from coming off was the bone .
9 Someone claiming to be in the know told us the other day that the reason DEC president Robert Palmer never showed up at that mammoth Unix strategy briefing session the company put the press and analyst corp through back in February was that he saw the rehearsals and did n't want to be associated with it .
10 Monsieur Saulnier informed me the other day that it was not usual in this part of Normandy to have so many mosquitoes .
11 But his death in the principal 's residence at King 's College 14 May 1920 , at the early age of fifty-two , spared him the furious controversy that arose when the donors sought Toynbee 's removal on political grounds .
12 Then good fortune brought me the very man that I needed .
13 so I actually took it the other way that , you know , do you just want a cup of tea .
14 Christmas Eve brought us the good news that we had also been awarded Phase II of the East Merthyr Reclamation Scheme , known as Great White Tip .
15 He gave me the good news that Elizabeth and Ernest were safe and well .
16 But I have never forgotten advice that my research adviser gave me the first time that I was pursuing a dead end : ‘ It is important to recognise when to quit . ’
17 ‘ No one ever gave me the slightest inkling that they thought any different than me at the recording sessions and things like that .
18 The Post Office Records section at St Martin's-le-Grand has ample files on the Electrophone , and Roy Jones , the official in charge there , gave me the gratifying impression that his one pleasure in life was to make them available to me — in comfort , in a reading room next to his office .
19 Dot gave her the violet-patterned hanky that used to belong to Henrietta Forbes-Read to wipe her eyes .
20 His accuracy and stinginess with runs made him almost without equal as a one-day bowler , for he could both contain and attack at the same time since the bounce he got from his great height and the control he had over the ball gave him the extra penetration that brought wickets .
21 And they closed one the other week that 's flooded now
22 Fuck it I wondered what the bloody hell that was !
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