Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [to-vb] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the Sunday following the manor fire , as Tom , Seb , Dolly and Carrie left Swinbrook chapel after the morning service , Christian asked them to come to the farmhouse .
2 And he invited him to come to the Mayday parade to see for himself .
3 He advised me to go to the Academy and work with Professor Dachauer .
4 The canal men at Gairlochy advised me to keep to the south-east of Loch Lochy and follow the disused rail track to Laggan instead of the forestry road on the other side .
5 A powerful urge told me to return to the station and get on the train back to Jamila 's place .
6 When I caught up with Jean-Claude , he told me to return to the cottage alone .
7 ‘ This woman told me to come to the church and do some healing . ’
8 ‘ Exactly as he phoned me last night , and told me to come to the wedding . ’
9 He was dying and implored you to agree to the match because he and Horatia 's father were such old friends .
10 ‘ I told you to keep to the centre of the track . ’
11 Benjamin thanked the groom and told him to return to the chateau .
12 It told him to come to the court on a certain day to defend himself before a Commissioner and the man who said he owed him money .
13 It caused him to scuttle to the edge of the path and roll into a ball . ’
14 He had sworn at her , jeered at her , called her a lump of cold batter , told her to get to the devil , told her that he was sick of the sight of her , that he had married her for her money , that if she gave him any more of her canting preaching he 'd hit her one that she 'd remember .
15 This was the reason I asked you to return to the house of your childhood : because the places we have loved — or hated — as children remain in the mind as almost a structuring force .
16 A few months ago I asked you to write to the magazine with your queries about Silver machines , and suggestions for the subjects you 'd like me to write about .
17 As a matter of fact , he hated anyone to get to the post before himself , needed to be the first to turn them over and sort them out .
18 There was not a sound except the stamping hoofs and as she watched he allowed it to come to the ground , pacing it in that superb prancing way , its silken tail swaying .
19 Selecting the right sized Disc , we took a pan of milk and we allowed it to heat to the point where it was about to boil over .
20 Needless to say , when the local newscaster finally ended our agony and allowed us to return to the cricket , we discovered that the England captain had been dismissed .
21 He was approached from behind by a man who shoved a sharp object into his back and ordered him to return to the bar in Beaumont Street .
22 I urged them to listen to the voice of their individual conscience .
23 He urged them to look to the future , to ‘ carry the spirit of Alton General on into Treloar and build on it . ’
24 Fred joined them and urged them to come to the cemetery in the funeral cars .
25 I urged her to go to the Council and complain .
26 ( 177 ) The police got him to confess to the crime .
27 They got him angry / They got him to go to the party ) .
28 Her husband , Vincent , asked her to go to the doctor and have it checked , but Louise held off for nearly four months .
29 That 's why I telephoned Eleanor last night and asked her to come to the house this morning .
30 Dušan 's ambition led him to aspire to the throne of Byzantium .
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