Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As I believe that you both did , when you were my age — if you can remember so far back — but I knew you would prevent me from doing so if I told you the truth . ’
2 ‘ You must think I was taking a lot for granted , sorting all this out before — well , before I even knew you 'd let me on the island , let alone still want me . ’
3 I thought you might pay me for it .
4 I thought you might drive me to the station . ’
5 ‘ I suddenly thought they 'd shut me in there .
6 I felt he would protect me from Mrs Reed .
7 When the time came , I knew he would take me to the asteroids , and we could serve the community together .
8 I knew he 'd hate me for it .
9 I thought he would slide me into the strait-jacket right away .
10 ‘ The greatest irony is that I thought he could help me in my research on rape , ’ she says .
11 Because I thought he could use me in his own way , and that would make me happy .
12 " They said they 'd see me in three years to do my D.Phil. at Oxford .
13 ‘ Mother said it would finish me with uncle . ’
14 He said he would leave me on the wing as long as me and my girlfriend did n't twos-up with each other [ visit one another 's cells during the association period ] .
15 I asked him why but he just smiled , shook his head and said he would tell me in his own good time .
16 He said he would provide me with male clients for sex therapy .
17 I met a friend who said he would drive me in his Rise Carr .
18 The chap was furious and said he 'd put me in a cell without anyone on either side of me if I talked to you again . ’
19 John MacEwen said he 'd follow me in his pick-up , and that the journey would probably kill him , but it was a chance I had to take , he was definitely going to die if I left him there .
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