Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [v-ing] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently the cleaner overheard them having a tremendous row .
2 ‘ It stopped me having a normal childhood .
3 So we followed the sign , and with some amusement found ourselves confronting a huge mirror !
4 When the Cabinet met at noon , Baldwin found himself sharing a defensive corner with Birkenhead .
5 He had Letty and now found himself dreading a new face to love .
6 When Culley did the same , he found himself holding a cold roach .
7 Somewhat to his own surprise , Harry found himself booking a single room , despite the exorbitant tariff , and following the prim receptionist as she led him to the door .
8 Yet he found himself treading a familiar road when he played a junkie in Drugstore Cowboy ( 1989 ) .
9 So it was that Riven found himself attacking a wooden post with a wooden sword that was slippery with mud , and being lectured by the unsmiling Myrcans .
10 He retired from active service at the end of the war but was recalled in the early summer of 1648 when Parliament found itself facing a serious mutiny in the fleet .
11 By a process which almost seemed inevitable the State found itself directing a major part of the country 's industries , and controlling or licensing most of the remainder .
12 Maggie found herself clutching a young man .
13 A hand falling on Ace 's shoulder startled her back to reality , and she found herself facing a dripping Benny .
14 She found herself facing a glass-panelled door , with the luminous dot of a bell set in its frame .
15 She chose left , descended a further long flight and found herself facing a closed door marked ‘ Fire Exit ’ .
16 Choosing a left turn , she soon found herself facing a blank door which might , for all she knew , lead to the cuttings library .
17 But instead , for a dizzying instant , as he wrapped his cloak about her , Isabel found herself savouring a delicious sensation of feeling small and infinitely fragile , enclosed within his arms .
18 When Tom Webster drew him wearing a knee-length sweater , he ensured that , thereafter , all his sweaters were oversized .
19 But when Patrick found him scoffing a large tea in the Royalbion marquee that was not the reason for his jubilation .
20 On command , the vans raced to the side of the road , the cordon parted , and the demonstrators found themselves facing a mounted police charge at full gallop .
21 Thus , by the end of the decade , the number of institutions in the public sector concerned with teacher training was substantially reduced , at least fourteen colleges had closed altogether , over sixty had merged with polytechnics and other further education institutions , a few had joined universities , and even those that remained ‘ free-standing ’ , that is untouched by institutional reorganization , found themselves offering a diversified range of courses including teacher training , thereby fundamentally altering their academic role .
22 Getting out to inspect the damage , I found myself confronting a shocked Alison Kraemer .
23 I caught myself taking a quick peek in the mirror behind the bar to see if my tie was straight .
24 He imagined himself driving a tearful Anne and Abigail back to Beryl , then finding Adam a good lawyer .
25 For the moment she busied herself making a fresh pot of tea , while Karen cleared the dirty plates and made room for their toast and marmalade .
26 But it still prevented him getting a serious head injury .
27 Modest , self-contained and abstemious , he kept aloof from the fellowship of other masters , and his dry , sarcastic wit , and inability to unbend , prevented his establishing a warm relationship with the boys in his house .
28 The opinion polls showed him lagging a long way behind the front-runners and suggested that he was going to fare very poorly in the New Hampshire contest .
29 They stopped only to pick up Cheryl , who saw them coming a long way off and ran down to the road to meet them .
30 In answer to my office colleagues who saw me manhandling a hopper-shaped device into my car boot the other week : no , I was not setting up a home distillery , merely preparing to field-test a pond filter .
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