Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [adj] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Moghul tombs , the Red Fort , the towering minarets of the Jami Masjid , made me aware for the first time of the significance of civilization , and the meaning of history .
2 I tried to become one with nature on the games-field , which made me unpopular with the enthusiastic cricketers .
3 I usually keep him in when I wash his clothes and I got them special for the cold weather so he should be all right .
4 Benn was so impressed with Ceauşescu 's Romania that he found nothing odd in the following suggestion from Bruno Pittermann , the former chairman of Kreisky 's Austrian Socialist Party : ‘ Pittermann said he would like to see parliamentary links with Romania , Poland and Yugoslavia , and to study their election process and procedure .
5 But magistrates found them guilty on a lesser charge of causing the animal to be terrified .
6 The Times , which had hitherto kept a dignified silence on such a distasteful subject , pronounced itself well-pleased with the modified outcome .
7 She 's so grown up that she shouted herself hoarse through a bloody pantomime not two hours ago .
8 Kenneth Andrew Sanderson , of Wallace Avenue , Huyton , was sentenced in January 1991 after a Southampton Crown Court jury found him guilty of the two robberies for each of which he received seven years , concurrent ; he got six months concurrent for an admitted burglary .
9 The jury found him guilty on a reduced charge of assaulting the youth by knocking him to the ground .
10 Some of us worried and went looking for him , then one of Alf Wood 's sons found him dead in the old pw hut , we think he died of a heart attack or so the doctor said .
11 Later , when I returned to the old man , I found him alone with a few boys and the American film .
12 I had no connections with the bigwigs of the movie capital so I found it impossible as a stranger to make the right contacts among publicity agents at the various studio lots , and to meet the stars .
13 The 44 has a 1/4in shank , and I found it perfect for the aggressive work I was attempting .
14 On board , though , a party of bridge players in first class found themselves short of a fourth , and Annesley filled the gap .
15 It was just by chance that I turned up at one of the early meetings of the first lesbian liberation groups in London and found myself involved in the early debates around socialist feminism , radical lesbianism , the Women 's Movement and the sixth demand which named women 's right to a self-defined sexuality .
16 In that way , so Eliot has suggested , Pound made himself responsible for a whole ‘ period ’ , the period of his lifetime , anxiously impatient that it too lift itself to a higher level .
17 Duncan unlocked the door and supervised the fuelling from a small bowser as Myeloski made himself comfortable in the rear seat .
18 The row began after father and baby were evicted from a council bed and breakfast — on the grounds Steve made himself homeless in the first place .
19 He immersed himself in parish work and made himself indispensable to the overworked parish priest .
20 Her own self-confidence made her impervious to the intended snubs .
21 On the other hand , the social development of Rome separated her from Etruria and made her similar to a Greek city ; and this is what Heraclides Ponticus recognized .
22 Perhaps it was that which made her attractive to a certain type of man .
23 They ignored me safe in the open field where the old ridge and furrow strips and the flatter headlands where the plough was turned were clearly silhouetted by the sun .
24 In November 1989 Bishop Ioan of Zhitomir proclaimed himself head of a revived Ukrainian Autocephalous Church ( abolished in 1929 ) and was summarily excommunicated by the Russian Orthodox Church ; the Constantinople Patriarchate also dissociated itself from the revival .
25 One young man , unable to tolerate the thought , burned himself alive in a public square .
26 Lawrence played it cagey after the goalless draw against Blackburn Rovers .
27 But that was n't the end of it ; they had made up their minds to sample every diversion that Wickhams had to offer , and went on to explore the entire store , from Haberdashery , where Mabel bought some knicker-elastic , to Hardware , where Florrie could not resist a patent vegetable slicer which was being demonstrated by a lady in a snowy white apron , who showed them how the little gadget peeled apples , chipped potatoes , sliced onions and generally made itself invaluable to the busy housewife .
28 He had picked up a group of experienced hunter-killers from the Phoenix NoGo , and turned them loose on the remaining sandrats .
29 He stated himself pleased with the general appearance and appointments of the unit .
30 His pictures vary in style : in his later days he showed himself capable of the common sort of conventionally flattering portrait , but , particularly from his earlier years in London , there exists a body of work demonstrating his great talent for lively detail and natural rather than conventional compositions .
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