Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A human chain of soldiers , castle employees and members of the royal family carried out paintings , carpets , furniture , Sevres vases , books and drawings and laid them on the lawns before being transported by convoys of lorries .
2 He met them at the gates of the airfield ( still a debris of contractors ' equipment surrounded by barbed wire ) and informed them gravely that if they entered — no difficult matter — they would be breaking the law .
3 At a launch party , at Heaven , he took two platefuls of celebratory cake and , with a gesture of proprietorial confidence that Rupert Murdoch or Robert Maxwell would have been hard put to match , flung them in the faces of his two editors .
4 She often asked me about the hills in the distance , beyond the moors , and wanted to ride her pony there .
5 Gombert 's linear sense — and sometimes Crecquillon 's and Lupi 's was so strong that he cared nothing for the asperities of harsh suspensions or accented passing-notes , as in this passage from his motet , ‘ Ave sanctissima Maria ’ :
6 And so saying , he led me over the fields to his childhood home .
7 Feeling the cold more than ever in my nakedness , I had , reluctantly , dismantled a poor looking cloth-bound work titled A Victorian Psalter , scrunched up the pages and stuffed them into the spaces around my body .
8 And I 'm really proud that the men in the tank recommended me to the jailers to be the trusty .
9 The palms of her hands were sweating , and she wiped them against the legs of her tunic .
10 She was alone in the world and owned nothing but the clothes in which she stood , a small attaché case filled with important things and a brown paper carrier bag containing shoes , stockings , and two crystal goblets carefully wrapped in a pair of white cotton knickers .
11 The sale of sheep and barley made up 35 per cent of the estate of Richard Jerard , a Chepping Wycombe pewterer and brazier , the residue including a few more animals , a little grain and hay , and an iron harrow , although another metal worker there owned nothing but the tools of his trade .
12 As they conquered peninsular Italy and Sicily in the third century BC , the Romans took works of art and dedicated them to the gods at Rome .
13 ‘ They tried to pull me into a scrum once and they invited me into the showers with them ’ — GAIL PARKER ( a lady referee ) on problems encountered when trying to control men .
14 Two-twenty-five found me on the steps of a slightly crumbling mansion in what the Estate Agents would call a highly desirable residential area .
15 The Roman defences were still in place , and the Normans used them as the foundations of their medieval fortress .
16 By the beginning of 1957 Franco found himself on the horns of a dilemma : both change and immobilism implied a high degree of risk for his continuation in power .
17 Men like Abraham ( Gen. Is:l ) , Jacob ( Gen. 46:2 ) , Ezekiel ( 1:1 ) and Daniel ( 1:17 , 4:5 , 7:7 ) grasped something of the purposes of God in a vision .
18 Hyacinth , who could not catch her breath for excitement , found herself in the arms of the Prime Minister .
19 His family visited him in the cells before leving the court .
20 That gesture was so unexpected and beautiful that it remained in Agnes 's memory like the imprint of a lightning bolt ; it invited her into the depths of space and time and awakened in the sixteen-year-old girl a vague and immense longing .
21 The boy rolled over and came on to one knee in a single lunge , and hurling himself at the man , caught him round the thighs with both arms , and swept him with him through the opening .
22 The warm hold of Rochester was chosen by the sagacious brute , and Willis , always up very early , found her on the ruins of the new locker cushions , with live mud-coloured kittens .
23 One found her beneath the lids of coffins and stretched across the ceiling of tombs , hovering above the dry bones of dead men .
24 Here his former pupils , Sandys and Cranmer , found him with the Odes of Horace in his hand , tending his sheep .
25 But Davis , now with 65 tournament wins worldwide to his credit , has enormous respect for Doherty , who also beat him in the quarter-finals of October 's Rothmans Grand Prix .
26 The 31-year-old needs an operation on a calf injury which dogged him in the weeks before Saturday 's FA Cup final defeat by Liverpool .
27 The 31-year-old needs an operation on a calf injury which dogged him in the weeks before Saturday 's FA Cup final defeat by Liverpool .
28 A Roman Catholic persecuted under Elizabeth I , he designed the Triangular Lodge in his prison cell as a symbol of the Holy Trinity and built it in the grounds of his home when he was released .
29 At the same time Domark , owners of a plethora of Bond licences , found themselves with the rights to Live and Let Die ; a film with a particularly violent speedboat sequence .
30 Glasgow St Enoch Square found themselves among the prizewinners for consistently coming up with good , well qualified leads .
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