Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the first world [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately heavy losses occurred during the First World War with all four being sunk .
2 And , his answer to that , is that psychoanalysis can give us a very interesting and unique insight into , into religion , and this was an insight which had emerged in the course of , the nineteen twenties , following the developments of psychoanalysis that occurred after the First World War , which we 've already looked at and is essentially the concept of transference .
3 Th you know it was just the sort of it , it all changed after the First World War and completely changed after the Second World War .
4 Bradley , who played in the first World Cup in 1987 , was still in the Irish team the following season but , apart from an appearance against Wales when Gus Aherne was injured in 1990 , he became the forgotten man .
5 There was a need to keep the US public involved in great power politics , in marked contrast to what happened after the First World War .
6 However , this turned out to be , in reality , another part of Kaiser Wilhelm 's expansionist policy , so the concessions were cancelled in 1905 and in 1914 , when Portugal joined in the First World War , all German interests were taken over by the Portuguese Government .
7 The Roll of Honour , dedicated to the men of Patrington who served in the First World War , stands in the middle of the village .
8 Critics of this theoretical approach emphasise that spectator violence existed before the First World War .
9 For many its decline began before the First World War , as a consequence of its inability to maintain the trade-union and working-class support in the face of the challenge of the Labour Party .
10 On balance the evidence suggests that the Liberal decline began before the First World War , but there is no denying that the war speeded up this process .
11 Armstrong fought in the First World War and was a war artist in the Second , sharing with other Surrealists the challenge of creating a pattern out of devastation .
12 He fought in the first World War and died in the Aegean in 1915 at the age of 27 .
13 By the early decades of the twentieth century , the Kiel school 's theory of plankton growth had been widely accepted , but German oceanography collapsed after the First World War and the impetus passed to British and American scientists .
14 The first on the village green is in the style of an Eleanor Cross , and dedicated to men from the estate who died during the First World War .
15 Although he produced valuable results at St Andrews , his major contributions did not come until later , as half the time he spent there coincided with the First World War , when the laboratories were turned over to the production of pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals .
16 We 're talking about the people who died in the first world war .
17 The one on the north wall is for the men of the cavalry regiments from the Krems area who fell in the First World War .
18 Indeed , a striking and major aspect of the final volumes of À la Recherche is their often cruel analysis of the moral bankruptcy and social collapse of this salon world , during the years that culminated in the First World War .
19 Firms can easily dissipate their first-mover advantages , as Henry Ford did after the first world war by sacking many of his best senior managers .
20 It is thus possible , indeed common , for each of two rival lineages to claim , as the British and Germans did in the First World War , that ‘ God is on our side ’ .
21 The British labour movement , the Labour Party and the trade unions , emerged from the First World War greatly strengthened .
22 As Dr Reading told BBC WILDLIFE : ‘ We met at the first World Congress of Herpetology at Canterbury in 1989 , and subsequently arranged to co-ordinate the two projects . ’
23 Like Jim Larkin said in the First World War , ‘ Hang the Kaiser and all his relatives ’ , ' he said .
24 The ensuing entente between the government and political India lasted until the First World War .
25 Ivy Compton-Burnett , who wrote beyond the First World War of ancestral houses in the 1890s , the setting of her own childhood , once declared that ‘ when an age is finished you see it as it is ’ .
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