Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the first time [conj] " in BNC.

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1 On Dec. 29 the HCR met for the first time since the attempted coup and approved the new Cabinet , whose membership was announced the following day .
2 The congress also agreed for the first time that in order to ensure a separation of the MPRP and state bodies , the Chairman of the Presidium of the People 's Great Hural ( i.e. effective head of state ) should not be a member of the supreme governing body of the MPRP .
3 ‘ I realised for the first time that I have never been wanted : it really was such a revelation .
4 ‘ So you will not consider me , after all our friendship ? ’ he asked , and Emily moved restlessly ; he realised for the first time that all her movements were studied .
5 Anyway , I was congratulated once more and I realised for the first time that I was actually doing some good .
6 At that moment I realised for the first time that not a single word had been uttered on the subject since the accident happened .
7 ‘ But only because when we turned up at the solicitor 's to work out the marriage settlement — her idea , not mine — she realised for the first time that I was n't as rich as she thought .
8 He said he did not want to involve British troops and planes in action , but admitted for the first time that it was a possibility .
9 But last night they admitted for the first time that Mr Mellor did not refer it to the then Prime Minister , Mrs Thatcher .
10 The Soviet announcement in September 1989 that it was to dismantle the Krasnoyarsk radar station in Siberia ( see p. 36909 ) was followed by a statement on Oct. 23 , 1989 , by the Soviet Foreign Minister , Eduard Shevardnadze , who admitted for the first time that the location and orientation of the radar station constituted " a violation of the ABM treaty " .
11 In doing so , however , he admitted for the first time that he had made " every effort " to obtain the release of the hostages .
12 Convenient scapegoats perhaps , but the K G B was open about today 's activities too ; Major General Alexander Karbalnov of the K G B revealed for the first time that seven hundred thousand people have been executed for political crimes since the revolution and that three-and-a-half million have been repressed .
13 There was more in this vein as they turned right , and Mungo realized for the first time that they were actually heading into the forest .
14 She had n't missed him at all when he died , but now she realized for the first time that she had lost her father .
15 When she heard the voice of Sam 's mother she realized for the first time that it was more than likely that her own mother would , during the course of the evening , make some reference to the dinner-party which , she had been led to believe , was taking place in Pam 's house .
16 It seems to have been about then that he mentioned for the first time that he thought he was being poisoned with acqua toffana ( a notorious Italian poison ) .
17 There were things he consciously noticed about people which he brought to mind long after he had ceased to watch them , but now he noted for the first time that she had very small feet — they could have belonged to the oriental he had imagined her to be through the sun haze .
18 I noticed for the first time that it was dreadfully long .
19 She noticed for the first time that he was wearing a pair of white , glowing incongruously in the twilight .
20 She noticed for the first time that they had stopped , and looking round , discovered that they were outside the house .
21 As he closed the door , he noticed for the first time that there was a star on it .
22 He looked slightly abstracted ; and I noticed for the first time that his habit of addressing remarks with head bowed — often appearing to contemplate the floor or the ‘ figure in the carpet ’ — had begun to bring about that slight spinal curvature which became accentuated later in life though not without adding to his dignity of bearing .
23 Her pink flying suit had two dirty orbs where her backside had imprinted itself on the ground and I noticed for the first time that her trainers were at least size 9 ( men 's ) .
24 She noticed for the first time that he had a slight limp .
25 As he hung about the Red Anchor he noticed for the first time that its character was changing .
26 It rained for the first time since we arrived in Sian today ; There has been a drought all winter , and the townsfolk have been out into the countryside to help water the crops .
27 He also publicly acknowledged for the first time that he was a recovering " drug addict " who had behaved in a " degrading and outrageous " way .
28 ‘ We opened for the first time and we 're doing extremely well , ’ said assistant manager Greg Hughes .
29 Meanwhile the patient , who has not been named , was making a rapid recovery and yesterday walked for the first time since the operation .
30 ELMER WARD ‘ S Grumman G–58 Bearcat N3025 , flew for the first time after rebuild on July 27 , after a ten year and $2m restoration programme .
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