Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , working women were more independent and less likely to marry early ; and the real significance of this controversy was what it revealed about the ideological assumptions of ruling-class men .
2 In 1911 Shinwell , after varied experience in a number of industries , became through the good offices of the highly influential Glasgow Trades Council , of which he was vice-chairman , a voluntary official of Wilson 's union , though he had no personal knowledge of seagoing or of the sea .
3 All parties to the Afghan conflict had been invited to talks , which were postponed after disagreements arose between the rival groups over the conference .
4 They watched in silence until he came closer , then , as he swooped between the grey walls of the drawbridge and came clattering into the courtyard over cobblestones that were now covered only by a thin film of slush , Marc deliberately removed his arm from around her waist .
5 He qualified for the light-middleweight semi-finals by beating Norway 's Ole Klemetsen .
6 Wielding the gavel in front of 1,500 people in sweltering heat under a tent on a village football pitch , Paris auctioneer Jacques Tajan sold off the entire contents of the château of antique dealer Bernard Steinitz over the weekend of 29-31 May for FFr 20,049,290 ( £2,045,845 ; $3,682,522 ) .
7 The Liberal Party , no longer a serious political challenger by the late 1920s , meandered through the inter-war years in a state of deep division and shock .
8 Cells were treated with chemicals for 30min at 37 °C or as stated and then incubated for the indicated times before isolation of total RNA .
9 He also printed the Middle English adaptation of the dialogue of St Catherine of Siena made for the Bridgettine sisters at Syon Abbey and known as The Orcherd of Syon .
10 The King recounted past adventures , selected meats for him , joked about the abstemious habits of the baby St Nicholas , who refused the breast every Wednesday and Friday .
11 Nathan peered through the thick flakes at the wagon that serviced the plane at every stop .
12 One night , bumping into the doorway , and stepping over a colleague , I made my way out into the sleet , the toilets all being occupied , and as I crouched , steadying my cheek against the cold planks , I peered through the reeking shadows of Auschwitz and saw that the nearest ruins were fuming more than ever and had even begun to glow .
13 It was only the light from their own carriage lamps falling on the neglected driveway that told her they were approaching the house , and the salt smell that got stronger and stronger and seeped through the closed windows of the carriage .
14 Beyond them , a brown light seeped through the columned groves of palm trees .
15 The nurses involved in the IMS survey carried out in 1986 for the RCN gave a clear impression of what they regarded as the important features of the work situation : " good job security " , " good atmosphere " , and " doing a worthwhile job " were cited as by far the most important .
16 We dropped the others off , and now the big shops would be left behind as we waded through the gloomy streets of Fulham .
17 At the speed of thought Chesarynth fled through the towering ranks of symbols that obstructed her now with their colour-coded lattices , their confusion of cold money scents .
18 The vapour of his breath feathered in a trail behind him as he moved through the cold bushes towards the stream .
19 The sun set and a swollen orange moon rose through the tousled heads of palm trees .
20 In Sri Lanka a few years back , shortly before the elections , he wandered through the frightened crowds at political rallies , despite warnings that danger was imminent .
21 The thaw which had so earnestly menaced France 's lifeline to Verdun became , on balance , more her ally than her foe ; it turned the pulverised earth into a glutinous quagmire that sucked off the close-fitting knee-boots of the German infantry ; the 8-ton howitzers sank up to their axles in it , and the Germans ' new motor tractors were too few and too under-powered to extract them .
22 When the rest of the crowd turned out at closing time and headed for the Floral Gardens with their carry-outs , Tich bedded down for the night in the public lavatory on the other side of the railway bridge .
23 We flew to San Diego on the West Coast where we hired a car and headed for the bright lights of Las Vegas .
24 RUNAWAY teenager Nicola Rogers told today why she headed for the bright lights of Blackpool after leaving her home 100 miles away four days ago .
25 It has been pointed out that enormous thicknesses of basaltic lavas erupted during the early stages of rifting characterize some passive margins , such as those of eastern Brazil , western India and the south-eastern part of southern Africa .
26 This was no doubt reinforced by a growing concern over disaffection and alienation among black youth , culminating in the ‘ moral panic ’ that erupted after the urban uprisings of 1980–81 ( cf.
27 Some tasted of the parched winds of the Arabian Gulf ; others of the exuberant tribal animism of the South Pacific ; while others again echoed the ancient Hindu courts of Java and India .
28 It began to rain , a steady stream that blew in from the east and beat against the stony flanks of the western hills .
29 They fired back — so many bullets that they cracked against the outside walls of the film company office in a sheet of sound lasting several seconds .
30 Our return DMU entering the station as we disembarked with the comfortable words from our guard — ‘ No hurry , now — it has to wait for me ! ’
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