Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] it to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I believe , ’ said the commissioner who reported on it to the Health of Towns Commission in 1845 ,
2 Having reached the most distant onlookers , a young couple pushing up-and-down a baby in a pram , the girl drew tight the neck of the bag and strolled with it to the stage .
3 it was very clever , I watched the first couple because people who like Harry Enfield 's comic characters switched on , just to see what he was like and before you knew it you were twenty minutes into a half hour programme and you stuck with it to the end .
4 He spread it out , and glanced from it to the screen .
5 Disappointed at the constable 's absence , since he and Richard had prepared a verbal message for their mother , Edward remarked on it to the servant , a stranger , who brought their supper .
6 Cautiously he mounted the remaining stairs , recognised the figure for what it was and stepped over it to the wheelhouse .
7 It was like a door opening suddenly , and for a split second Sarella saw behind it to the affection Marc felt for his feckless younger brother .
8 Stepping down at the end , he lay on the bed of nails and rolled across it to the foot of the ladder , which he climbed , pausing on each blade to detach a yellow paper prayer flag and send it fluttering to the ground .
9 He directed me to a main road on the edge of Jaffa and to a small lane that ran off it to the north .
10 A stream ran through it to the river .
11 The woodland , marching up the hill , vanished before it but reached an arm around to the west , fringing the road , and then ran behind it to the north , forming a long backdrop to the palm house and the terraces .
12 I saw Joseph by the back door , caught hold of the lamp he was carrying , and ran with it to the gate .
13 The house owner found it and ran with it to the boat . ’
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