Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [subord] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He rose as if in a daze , found a space on the floor and sat down .
2 But in winter , ‘ As the darkness thickened the wind increased , and each blast raked the iron railings before the houses till they hummed as if in a song of derision ’ .
3 And there were dark rings under his eyes , which burned as if with a fever .
4 And there came with him thirty and six Kings , and one Moorish Queen , who was a negress , and she brought with her two hundred horsewomen , all negresses like herself , all having their hair shorn save a tuft on the top , and this was in token that they came as if upon a pilgrimage , and to obtain the remission of their sins ; and they were all armed in coats of mail and with Turkish bows .
5 ‘ Father of evil , ’ he intoned as if in a travesty of prayer , ‘ and Grandfather too … ’
6 He seemed to be moving through mud , his actions hampered as if in a dream .
7 She heard her name again , and again she emerged as if from a dream and found that time had passed .
8 Wynne-Jones stood as if in a daze .
9 She sat as if on a throne : her dark eyes glowed .
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