Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [art] [num ord] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 All this occurred during the first months of the Awlad Amira administration , while Mannaia still smarted from electoral defeat ; and at that time some lineages did not exclude the possibility of further Tibbu reprisals after the earlier fighting and homicides .
2 One was the absence of faction round an heir to the throne old enough to provide a focal point for political opposition , The only exception came in the last years of James III ; in 1488 , in the second and final crisis of his reign , his opponents could use his fifteen-year-old son , the future James IV , as their figurehead .
3 It was this fact which led Lord Lyons to comment that the government did not lead so much as follow when it came to the last stages of the crisis .
4 Germany also began during the first years of the twentieth century to make some patchy and sporadic provision of much the same kind for her trade interests abroad .
5 After declining sharply up to 1979 its share of both stabilized in the first years of the Thatcher government , only to fall once more into the late 1980s .
6 The impressive energy with which France has been building and renovating museums as well as adding to their collections since 1981 — the year François Mitterrand became President and Jack Lang his Minister of Culture — actually began in the last years of the previous Centre Right administration .
7 The whole great crime story wave that began in the last years of the nineteenth century and rose to its towering peak in the 1920s and 1930s began with the short story .
8 Despite this glimpse of vintage anti-Semitic paranoia , setting the tone for the new wave of anti Jewish action and propaganda which began in the last months of 1937 and continued throughout the following year , the ‘ Jewish Question ’ was scarcely touched upon in Hitler 's speeches throughout the critical year of 1938 .
9 There is nothing in any of the standard sources to suggest that the undoubted eminence Hizir Bey enjoyed in the last years of his life derived from anything other than his excellence in and his position as kadi of the newly conquered city .
10 She also cared in the last years of her career .
11 The practice arose in the last decades of the nineteenth century within the ruling class .
12 There were reports that Iraq had received another Russian system , the SS-21 , though specialist circles are uncertain about this and arrival was not independently confirmed — perhaps the confusion arose from the last digits of the SS-12 having been inverted .
13 His mind recalled the familiar ambience of his trade ; men moving like black shadows behind the glare of the arc-lights the police cars tidily parked ; the flap of the screens , desultory voices conferring as they watched for the first lights of his approaching car .
14 It was this that led to the first hints of how the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity might affect each other — a glimpse of the shape of a quantum theory of gravity yet to come .
15 She clung to the last vestiges of reality .
16 An explanation had been demanded from the Transkei government before Pretoria proceeded with the next stages of its plan to neutralise APLA .
17 Their husbands Garry Lennox , 35 , and Kevin Weeks , 37 , died in the first days of the Gulf War 19 months ago .
18 A WOMAN whose unborn child died in the last days of her pregnancy is seeking compensation from South Tees Health Authority .
19 It only improved in the last years of the nineteenth century with the company 's realization of a profitable traffic in middle-class commuters living at the seaside while working in Manchester and Liverpool .
20 It emerged after the first reports of the Dushanbe violence that there had been a demonstration on Feb. 10 in Frunze , the capital of Kirghizia , likewise sparked off by rumours of the resettlement there of Armenian refugees .
21 She half smiled in the last threads of gold that smouldered in the sky .
22 Only if the burden becomes insupportable — or increases too abruptly — do electors seriously complain ( as they did in the last days of the 1964 and 1974 Labour governments ) .
23 The youngest of the trio — he was a-twenty-seven-year-old ex-seminarian who had been greatly under the influence of Molloy before going to Africa — began to sing , in a terrible , faltering voice , probably the most unmelodious I ever heard from a Danuese what sounded like the first lines of ‘ O , Mighty Mountain ! ’
24 Increasing pressure on the Poles to Germanise themselves , and the corresponding Polish reaction in both compliance and defiance , were all part of the impact of capitalist industrial organisation as it spread from the first comers of Western Europe , to the second rank of industrialising nations — to Germany , Japan and Italy in particular — and through them to their potential empires and marcher territories .
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