Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 In fact , working women were more independent and less likely to marry early ; and the real significance of this controversy was what it revealed about the ideological assumptions of ruling-class men .
2 In 1911 Shinwell , after varied experience in a number of industries , became through the good offices of the highly influential Glasgow Trades Council , of which he was vice-chairman , a voluntary official of Wilson 's union , though he had no personal knowledge of seagoing or of the sea .
3 ‘ Well , I did get a bit depressed at times … and I got through a few pairs of shoes . ’
4 They watched in silence until he came closer , then , as he swooped between the grey walls of the drawbridge and came clattering into the courtyard over cobblestones that were now covered only by a thin film of slush , Marc deliberately removed his arm from around her waist .
5 Wielding the gavel in front of 1,500 people in sweltering heat under a tent on a village football pitch , Paris auctioneer Jacques Tajan sold off the entire contents of the château of antique dealer Bernard Steinitz over the weekend of 29-31 May for FFr 20,049,290 ( £2,045,845 ; $3,682,522 ) .
6 The King recounted past adventures , selected meats for him , joked about the abstemious habits of the baby St Nicholas , who refused the breast every Wednesday and Friday .
7 One night , bumping into the doorway , and stepping over a colleague , I made my way out into the sleet , the toilets all being occupied , and as I crouched , steadying my cheek against the cold planks , I peered through the reeking shadows of Auschwitz and saw that the nearest ruins were fuming more than ever and had even begun to glow .
8 It was only the light from their own carriage lamps falling on the neglected driveway that told her they were approaching the house , and the salt smell that got stronger and stronger and seeped through the closed windows of the carriage .
9 Beyond them , a brown light seeped through the columned groves of palm trees .
10 Early on , the RCM tried hard to play down differences with policy statements which leaned some way towards orthodoxy without limiting the freedom of the RCM to act in what it regarded as the best interests of individual children .
11 The nurses involved in the IMS survey carried out in 1986 for the RCN gave a clear impression of what they regarded as the important features of the work situation : " good job security " , " good atmosphere " , and " doing a worthwhile job " were cited as by far the most important .
12 This occurred during the lower stages of barbarism .
13 All this occurred during the first months of the Awlad Amira administration , while Mannaia still smarted from electoral defeat ; and at that time some lineages did not exclude the possibility of further Tibbu reprisals after the earlier fighting and homicides .
14 We dropped the others off , and now the big shops would be left behind as we waded through the gloomy streets of Fulham .
15 At the speed of thought Chesarynth fled through the towering ranks of symbols that obstructed her now with their colour-coded lattices , their confusion of cold money scents .
16 These was no difference in the degree to which turnout rose between the two sets of authority .
17 The sun set and a swollen orange moon rose through the tousled heads of palm trees .
18 The thaw which had so earnestly menaced France 's lifeline to Verdun became , on balance , more her ally than her foe ; it turned the pulverised earth into a glutinous quagmire that sucked off the close-fitting knee-boots of the German infantry ; the 8-ton howitzers sank up to their axles in it , and the Germans ' new motor tractors were too few and too under-powered to extract them .
19 We flew to San Diego on the West Coast where we hired a car and headed for the bright lights of Las Vegas .
20 RUNAWAY teenager Nicola Rogers told today why she headed for the bright lights of Blackpool after leaving her home 100 miles away four days ago .
21 It has been pointed out that enormous thicknesses of basaltic lavas erupted during the early stages of rifting characterize some passive margins , such as those of eastern Brazil , western India and the south-eastern part of southern Africa .
22 This was no doubt reinforced by a growing concern over disaffection and alienation among black youth , culminating in the ‘ moral panic ’ that erupted after the urban uprisings of 1980–81 ( cf.
23 Some tasted of the parched winds of the Arabian Gulf ; others of the exuberant tribal animism of the South Pacific ; while others again echoed the ancient Hindu courts of Java and India .
24 It began to rain , a steady stream that blew in from the east and beat against the stony flanks of the western hills .
25 They fired back — so many bullets that they cracked against the outside walls of the film company office in a sheet of sound lasting several seconds .
26 In his ‘ Small History of Photography ’ , Benjamin ( 1979a , p. 248 ) notes that in photography 's early mid-nineteenth-century days , ‘ the client ’ who came to be photographed was ‘ the member of a rising class equipped with an aura that seeped into the very folds of the man 's frock coat or floppy cravat ’ , but that the later ‘ imperialist bourgeoisie ’ lost its aura in its ‘ deepening degeneration ’ , its Jugendstil photos featuring a fashionable ‘ twilight ’ and a ‘ non-auratic pose ’ .
27 The main focus of attention for travellers who do find their way into this concealed paradise is the quaint huddle of buildings ranged along the cobbled streets of Dent Town , a Mecca in miniature to which all steps and wheels lead .
28 His conscience warred with the whispered promises of the semi-sentient sword .
29 The shots had sounded from the hills somewhere to the north , and rather than wasting time on the main path that rose with the gentle contours of the valley , we took a short cut up the steep , almost sheer , cliff behind the houses .
30 She peered into the murky depths of a battered tin object on the stove .
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