Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We fought for them to come to the Assembly , where they could speak their minds and meet the Africans they never meet , and together listen to the Almighty Who might know better even than they what is best for the country .
2 It clattered across the path and bounced against what looked like the battered frame of an old pram , with a bang like a pistol shot .
3 I could hear one of the children crying and shouted to them to get on the floor .
4 It concentrated on what went into the pot rather than what consumers might experience from it .
5 While writing this chapter , it occurred to me to look through the list of constellations to see in how many the five leading stars were , in order , Alpha , Beta , Gamma , Delta and Epsilon .
6 When the young Alfred Hitchcock was looking for a studio in which to learn the craft of filmmaking , it never occurred to him to knock at the doors of Samuelson 's Worton Hall or Stoll at Cricklewood .
7 I held it while a hand moved over me checking for the hardware .
8 Mcduff came with him to sit in the shelves and they took it in turns to keep watch .
9 Lorrimer 's voice came to him muffled by the handkerchief .
10 The beautiful tawny stone of the great churches and university buildings seemed to me stained with the blood of Republican idealists in the British battalion of the 15th International Brigade .
11 The male body was of little aesthetic interest to him , and the female was so mutable , so much a function of its own motion , or that of light across it , that all static representation seemed to him doomed from the outset .
12 For several months before the Ashleys moved in , the locals of Remaisnil speculated about what to expect of the new English châtelaine .
13 But now he looked inescapably furious , and also seemed stalemated about what to say to the cabdriver .
14 Giving him a mutinous look , she defended for what felt like the fortieth time , ‘ I did n't know about the baby ! ’
15 He half turned from her looking towards the house , saying now , ‘ Is Maggie ready ? ’
16 Mrs Reed arranged for me to leave on the nineteenth of January .
17 Eventually , though , I could no longer manage him at home — he was so weak ; so I arranged for him to go into the residential home , where Miss Prescott and Mrs Whitaker did everything they possibly could to make him happy and comfortable — and succeeded .
18 Vacation time Francis arranged for him to caddy at the Lyford Cay club to keep him out of trouble .
19 Schwabe arranged for him to work for the Clyde engineering and shipbuilding firm of J. & G. Thomson , who were building ships for Bibby .
20 She was too full of misery to finish and she brushed past him to go to the stairs , not able to face this at all .
21 Searching his eyes , not entirely sure she believed him , she walked round him to look into the lounge .
22 Sometimes you would see people who lived in it walking past the camp .
23 ‘ Ask Clive , ’ Polly repeated for what felt like the hundredth time .
24 After the first partition of Poland in 1772 Danzig remained independent but tied to what remained of the Polish state by trade and treaty .
25 A real threat existed , because she responded to him physically , a threat to so much that she valued as part of her individual identity , autonomy , independence , pride , all of which would be lost if ever the weakness he created in her led to her succumbing to the dark attraction he held for her .
26 He did n't know what Lewis meant about someone looking after the house but no doubt he , Adam , had at the time concocted some tale to keep his father quiet , to keep him away even .
27 He learned the truth about the cuttings , closing his eyes when he thought of her sitting in the attic , her long day done , painstakingly writing for O'Connor the articles whose brilliance and feeling told him of the intellect which lay behind her beautiful face and emphasised again what he had thrown away .
28 And it was quite ni actually although I was hurrying because I thought of them sitting in the car erm it was very pleasant walking , very slippery though along by Walford cemetery and all down there .
29 I stared straight back at it and very slowly brought the gun round to bear , moving it first one way then slightly the other , so that it looked like something swaying with the wind in the grass .
30 I besought him if the decision went against him to return to the Upper House and do his bit there .
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