Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [coord] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of them , the landlord of the pub , got pissed and kissed me on the mouth and talked about the problems of these demarcations — and this is in spite of all the AIDS hysteria .
2 He read this and showed it to his wife and on the following day asked questions .
3 Barbara Coleman stopped pouring and fixed her with a very severe look .
4 I tried to remember what my sister Mary had said about ignoring old wives ' tales and I tried to put them from my mind , but after that I often caught myself glancing at Granny 's picture and it seemed to me that her black eyes came alive and followed me round the room .
5 Maxim scouted the cottage to make sure it was empty then helped George over the comer of the dry-stone wall where it seemed strongest and guided him under a face-high clothes-line strung across the little lawn .
6 Whilst I was behind Desmond he was on two engines and landed heavily ; one of his engines came adrift and preceded him along the flarepath .
7 He became suspicious and denounced them at a branch meeting .
8 African states went to war with each other often enough to have a large number of captives to sell , and competition among the slave traders encouraged this and pushed them into searching aggressively for slaves among their neighbours or else finding themselves enslaved by their better-equipped rivals .
9 I ran up to the guest room , stripped naked and washed myself with a wet rag .
10 He gave them some thought , then extracted two and stowed them in his hip pocket .
11 But Mrs Spence claims he then turned nasty and threatened her with a pistol and syringe full of morphine .
12 He collected some and showed them to a friend who worked in the Geology Department of the Royal Museum , Chambers Street in Edinburgh .
13 His friend Sir Thomas Lauder of Grange and Fountainhall tells of one humorous incident where Geikie once followed a particularly pompous , pot-bellied and self-assertive porter through the marketplace sketching as he went until the victim got angry and chased him into a house from whose attic window Geikie completed the sketch with some extra touches to show features of indignation to perfect the picture .
14 He was a bright boy , good at his lessons , but she told him that cleverness was only a virtue if you worked hard and used it to good purpose .
15 She reached over the piano to a pile of little plastic cups , grabbed one and shoved it into my hand .
16 After deliberating for a little while , the priest selected one and carried it towards the fire .
17 David produced one and handed it to her .
18 ‘ I just got drunk and threw them over the wall . ’
19 They quickly saw that and had me in the theatre the next day .
20 It is likely that he knew that and said it with all the more relish .
21 The men looked puzzled and discussed it among themselves , ignoring Marian .
22 ‘ Michael went down to his room to sort it out , they argued , and Banville went berserk and pushed him off the balcony .
23 Alexei took one and nocked it to the bow .
24 Sara looked sulky and left them to it , and they heard her calling to the old lady with rheumatoid arthritis .
25 The shepherd grew pale and left us at once , and tried to rid his stomach of the dread stuff , and thereafter went home to his bed , expecting to die .
26 ( He subsequently went mad and threw himself in front of a car . )
27 American game giants , Nintendo cried foul and took them to court in an attempt to ban Game Genie sales in America .
28 She lit one and carried it into the ballroom , where the silver light from a large moon cast shadows on to the wood floor .
29 Drawing a packet of cigarettes out of her shoulder bag , she lit one and put it to her lips .
30 Australia lost the Ashes in 1953 , New Zealand won one and lost one against Australia in 1974 , Australia won two of the three 1908 matches against a fully aitched England , and even West Indies lost one of the three Tests they played in 1966 with their four Hs .
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