Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Darwinism destroys the presumption that a separate organism functions primarily to preserve itself ( as do simpler homeostatic systems which do not reproduce ) ; it shows me that even at the biological level my spontaneity only secondarily and partially serves myself , and invites the reflection that behaving consistently to my own advantage became conceivable only with the clarification of my viewpoint in contrast with others , which in turn implies that I have been assuming other viewpoints from the beginning of self-consciousness .
2 The jet crashed in a ball of flame , destroying 15 cars and damaging 10 more but further evidence of the good fortune became clear yesterday with the sight of the aircraft wreckage embedded in mud .
3 I found that out in the pleasure garden .
4 Arnold Bennett caught this splendidly in the story of Denry Machin , an ambitious and well-off young councillor , who brought back a local footballing hero to the town at his own expense .
5 Fancourt , the court denied validity to a promissory note made payable out of the maker 's money to which he would become entitled from his reversion .
6 A patchy picture also emerges from the serious assault statistics , with an 8.5 per cent rise across the six forces surveyed driven primarily by the surge in Strathclyde .
7 The silence seemed broken only by the sound of Isabel 's laboured breathing .
8 In sharp contrast to most of his contemporaries , Pétain seemed unambitious almost to the point of self-extinction ; when offered the post of Commandant to the Rifle School , he refused because it would have meant his promotion over the heads of more senior majors .
9 It seemed simple enough at the outset … vegetarian author Rebecca Hall offered to pay ten thousand pounds to any farmer willing to live like a battery chicken for a week .
10 She seemed bored already by the visit .
11 Could we not have all guessed that Lt Col Custer ( he gave himself the rank of general ) came 34th out of the class of 34 at West Point .
12 The father was just moving round to sit at the head of the table when the mother came sweeping out of the kitchen carrying a huge plate piled high with eggs and sausages and bacon and tomatoes .
13 Then , about halfway to Black Point , I 'd snug down in the anchorage of Bridgemarsh on the north bank .
14 But Philip Burton was a proven scholar and a writer and an opener of doors thought slammed shut forever in the face of a hungry and rough Welsh Jenkins .
15 Otley leapt to his feet eager to practise some passion as the strains of ‘ La Paloma ’ came throbbing out of the music box .
16 In this way , the unfortunate Guy Fawkes became linked indissolubly with the autumn solstice and its fire-lighting rituals , which were imitative magical ceremonies designed to keep the power of the sun from waning .
17 But er according to my mother 's great joy , she got seasick even on the landing stage in in Liverpool and never came out of her cabin , so she had a big time as a young women running around the ship .
18 There was a stack of timber being unloaded from the Dock and the wind threw that all over the place .
19 Although this is the first recorded instance of a private undertaker being used by the royal household it is possible that they had been previously involved in some small way in royal funerals , for it is doubtful that the College of Arms provided coffins and it would seem probable that they contracted this out to the trade , to people such as William Russell — indeed , could it have been Russell who provided the coffin for Queen Mary in late December 1694 ?
20 Dug these out of the wall .
21 It was very dark and a clock chimed three somewhere in the distance .
22 The NDP captured 348 out of the total of 444 elective seats in the Assembly , although 93 of these were to be occupied by candidates who had distanced themselves from the leadership .
23 But leaving aside instances of momentary irritation , of which there were many , as all field-workers must expect , most respondents became confident enough in the field-worker 's presence to express what were undoubtedly widely held fears about the research .
24 I think they got all in including the settee I think .
25 When the two Highlanders stood , he sauntered up and touched each gently on the chest .
26 Wires hung unconnected out of the back of the switchboard and the pigeon-holes had grown cobwebs .
27 A veteran of Le Mans , he 's won his class and finished 5th overall in the past .
28 He often got hungry up in the wood and he 'd most likely want them later .
29 Clearing the gap in the reef , the patrol boat drove into a wave and leapt half out of the water like a giant grey killer whale .
30 He carried a silver-topped malacca cane and he waved this vaguely in the direction of the strolling crowds all around them .
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