Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 The pair became used to the waves and hoots from passing motorists , trucks and even train drivers as they journeyed to the Mediterranean coast .
2 I was in lane 1 , which I found strange considering the positions and times I had achieved in the semi-final .
3 Although , as will shortly be evident , he became extravagantly pious , he retained some of the values and attitudes of a pagan past .
4 Moreover , it reported some of the speeches and activities of Nyerere , who led the nationalist party ( TANU ) from its formation in 1954 .
5 Those wonderful mornings in summer when the larks rose high over the mountains and you woke to the sound of cowbells and the sun streaming in through the window ?
6 ‘ When I got it , I actually went round the flat and stopped some of the radiators and turned them off , ’ she said .
7 They even attacked art — especially ‘ modern art ’ — but while they made fun of the pre-War Cubists , Expressionists and futurists , they borrowed and transformed many of the principles and techniques of these earlier movements . ’
8 These were looked after by the Board of Works — the lineal descendant of the Office of the King 's Works , which built many of the castles and palaces which its successor bodies , including Historic Scotland , now care for .
9 Charles did not make extensive changes in the Lombard government , and retained many of the governors and administrators who had originally served under Desiderius .
10 With an eye on the corridor outside , I tried one of the latches and was n't surprised to find it locked .
11 A local charity worker visited one of the hostels and found four old men sleeping in a basement " using a large baked bean tin as a chamber pot " .
12 ‘ Does yer mother know yer out ? ’ shouted one of the lads and then all at once they charged at him and manhandled him to the ground .
13 I found one of the drummers and let him have a tape and he loved it .
14 He stopped worrying about the curtains and the tissues and the drips .
15 One of them got lost in the corridors and another dropped some important equipment into the sea .
16 She became bored with the paths and sat on a bench with a book , but Magnus came and sat underneath , waiting for her to move on .
17 We also interviewed some of the advisers and a pupil who was ‘ shadowed ’ during the inspection .
18 The compound seemed deserted without the women and children .
19 From St. Albans , Harpenden , Leighton Buzzard and Luton came many to a Sports and Recreation Afternoon for Active Retired at Luton Regional Sports Centre .
20 Tumilty , who was anxiously awaiting news of today 's Harp Senior League decider between Bann and Holywood , scored one of the goals and set up two others as George Blackwood 's squad moved to the top of the table overnight .
21 When we protested that ours was a dirt track and not a paved city street , they seemed uncertain of the rules and phoned their chief .
22 Det Con Turnbull recognised two of the youths and his inquiries revealed they had been overheard talking about cash and an off-licence .
23 A few yards behind them came two of the gardeners and the young detective on duty at the nursery that morning .
24 Each of these communities had its own head , who assumed most of the duties and rights of the head of an orthodox and separate school .
25 I came third in the trials and only two swimmers were sent .
26 A review of the project confirmed many of the criticisms and the IFC announced its withdrawal , despite attempts to bring all parties involved together for round-table talks .
27 Middlesbrough councillors approved 123 of the applications and rejected 25 .
28 He opened one of the suitcases and took out an expensive tape recorder and a neat little package of cassettes .
29 She opened one of the doors and climbed up , selecting a double seat for herself , sliding her suitcase between two seats .
30 When they reached the first floor , he opened one of the doors and she walked into a large bedroom with a huge bed , masses of cupboard space , a comfortable armchair , and a table and chairs set by the window .
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