Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The top management of the division rated one of the departments as creative and innovative and one as very problematic from that aspect .
2 If the tests were truly designed for the control of ‘ anti-social influences in the arts ’ , as the Report said , then how could the law seem other than misconceived when a decade or more of legal scrutiny and barristers ' banter had been publicly squandered on the anti-social potential of pubic hair , the peculiar dangers of which seemed clearer to the police than to juries .
3 The 40-year-old told one of the sisters if anyone asked who the father of her baby daughter was she should lie and say it was her boyfriend , Leeds Crown Court was told .
4 William Bailey , an engine driver , said he recognised one of the guns as one he had sold to Henry Tidbury .
5 I recognised one of the Commandos as someone I knew before the war .
6 I became involved with the inhabitants as soon as I was old enough to overturn a leaf .
7 They became famous as the Dambusters when they wrecked the Ruhr valley dams with Barnes Wallis 's revolutionary bouncing bombs after training in Derbyshire 's Derwent valley .
8 as if things were not bad enough without those little bastards turning up to torment us , ’ remarked one of the medics as he tried to pack a shell dressing into a large abdominal wound .
9 Jenkins unlocked one of the bedrooms when they got back to the Windorah and switched on the light after he had crossed to the window to draw the curtains .
10 Rostov asked one of the guards if the man sitting on the cart was the Khan , but the trooper only grinned insolently at him and replied in his own tongue .
11 When I was a bairn I loathed and feared these dogs , and as my parents often liked to get rid of me I used to stay for short holidays with both uncles , and so I saw more of the dogs than I liked .
12 And er after that it was just well every man for himself I never really saw any of the guys except for the o one guy who was on the platform with me at the time .
13 He went red to the temples as he forced a ff on the last phrases , and shyly stuck a hand on his heart in emphasis ; while all fell silent and lowered their eyes , wondering at that excruciating delight which Alfredo experienced -Rosalba especially , Cati indifferently .
14 ‘ How 's the man ? ’ enquired one of the toughs as Bull strode up and joined them .
15 US Coast Guard Commander Larry Mizell quoted one of the survivors as saying that during the storm ‘ many of the people went to one side of the vessel , which may have contributed to the problem they had . ’
16 The problem was resolved by writing our own information retrieval program which met most of the requirements as they then existed and , with much thought being given on the subject , was designed to be flexible enough to cater for the majority of future needs .
17 GRAEME SOUNESS sat helpless in the stands as fiery Liverpool were extinguished by the ice-cool professionalism of Spartak Moscow .
18 Ace recognized some of the plants as similar to Earth species ; the others , the weird-looking ones , she decided were native to the planet .
19 Two days later he actually came , an oldish man , at least sixty , and valued two of the cabinets as worth £500 apiece .
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