Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] with [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 During her trials off the west coast of Scotland in 1989 , Upholder lost power when her propulsion control system failed to cope with a sudden switch from full ahead to full astern power , a problem which contributed seven months to the three-year delay in her becoming operational .
2 Although the differences between the two sides remained too great for there to be any substantial agreement upon the outlined proposals , the Prime Ministers agreed to proceed with the second round of scheduled discussions in Pyongyang ( North Korea ) on Oct. 16-19 .
3 The days and nights that followed this procession became filled with the ghostly rhythms of the Ma'badong dance a cumulative mantric tone intended to induce altered states , which most successfully we found , interfered with our capacity to keep a grip on the job of filming .
4 Because Miguel , in the same incident , has been bitten but not seriously injured , Sarah tries to save him by cutting off his infected arm with a machete — an effect that failed to work with the first model , until an assistant of Savini 's used a spare rubber arm with the cut prefilled with wax .
5 One day , to escape heavy rain he wandered into a tavern called the ‘ Spotted Dog ’ which was kept by Joe Parrish , a veteran fighter , who became impressed with the young lad — then aged 16 — and began to teach him the science of the ring .
6 It was while travelling around the world for the UN that she first became impressed with the simple forms of cosmetics made from natural ingredients used by remote communities .
7 The negotiations on British entry became fused with a wider debate in 1960–3 about the future of the Community .
8 After an opening 25 minutes of tedious football , Wright got to work with a magnificent solo display .
9 Dositej entered the Hopovo monastery in the Fruška Gora at the age of sixteen , but he soon became disillusioned with the restricted life of a monk and two years later he escaped .
10 Beginning with the organisation of bible classes in the rural communities while he was still a student at Cumberland University , he became disillusioned with the apparent inability of the current educational system to tackle adequately the problems of social and economic mis-development in Appalachia .
11 Yesterday , a management committee , which included members of Cheshire County Council , agreed to work with the National Trust in preparing a protest .
12 I rose to preach with a jolly remark about there being an official opposition , ‘ but perhaps it will be going for a walk in a little while ’ .
13 As in the Merchant Service , a close friendship usually developed between the Commanding Officer and the Chief Engineer , and on the cutters the Commander usually tried to sail with the same chief whenever possible .
14 The whore sniffed and tried to walk with a ladylike gait ; she seemed a little drunk and occasionally stopped to pause for breath .
15 The second tactic employed by the authorities related specifically to the Snowball campaign and involved dealing with the symbolic fence-cutting as the offence of criminal damage .
16 As an assistant in early 1643 to John Rushworth [ q.v. ] , clerk-assistant of the House of Commons , Mabbott became connected with the parliamentary army secretariat and acted as agent for the army , mainly in London , throughout the civil war and interregnum .
17 Through a project begun by West Yorkshire Archaeological Unit , Tony became connected with the Holy Wells Research and Preservation Group , and from there came the inspiration to revive a local tradition he had heard tales about since his childhood .
18 i longed for my muse to appear and scatter the philistines with a wave of her magic wand , her third , all-seeing eye , but i made do with a scented geisha
19 Desolate from the death of her infant daughter , with her husband immersed in his career as principal of Liverpool College , she ‘ became possessed with an irresistible desire to go forth and find some pain keener than my own :
20 But it was difficult to see why they would , given that everyone seemed to agree with the current policy .
21 He had his father 's black hair , a strong sun-tan , and seemed filled with a manic energy ; ready and eager to enjoy both Wavebreaker and our company .
22 As she nodded towards the bathroom , right on cue it opened , and Jake , dressed in trousers with a towel slung round his neck , came walking with a broad smile into the room .
23 ‘ When Edwards spoke to me we discussed other football matters , such as Webb leaving , Mark Hughes might be going and United returning with an increased bid for Hirst .
24 This made me aware of how badly I 'd done with the domestic arrangements .
25 One lady even came armed with a floral chamber pot — she had obviously heard of the 14/20 Hussars Mess Dinners where a similar receptacle , but of silver is used for drinking .
26 Clearly it had been taken several years earlier , but it showed , even then , the supercilious cast of a face which had looked into the camera with head held well back , and lips that seemed to smile with a curious arrogance above the Vandyke beard .
27 Stack claim that the gun is balanced for colour as well as brightness of the image but all the games seemed to play with the same degree of accuracy even with a black&white image .
28 However , they soon came to deal with a whole range of children 's welfare in addition to health and feeding , which included helping school-leavers , in conjunction with the ASEA , to find suitable employment .
29 Air lifts were now out of the question , but trains were still a practical proposition — as Chadwick discovered when he came to deal with the Nazi official in charge of emigration .
30 He 'd played with a few friends over the years but never managed to overcome the logistics of forming and fronting a band .
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