Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] in the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This worked as a strategy at least for as long as the persons involved lived in the same household and shared their resources .
2 He too had been influenced by Lyell , and as early as 1855 had published a paper commenting on the fact that new species always seemed to appear in the same neighbourhood as a closely related existing species .
3 But the sailors in the northern hemisphere — the part of the earth north of the Equator — realised that there was one star which always seemed to stay in the same place — the Pole Star .
4 But if , by sheer coincidence , all the molecules just happened to move in the same direction at the same moment , the hand would move .
5 But the overlap in dates — Tolkien 's book began to appear in the same year as Lucky Jim — is fortuitous , not significant , and the overlap in time was not a collision of rival forces , rather the side-by-side running of parallel tracks .
6 Again , according to Escoffier himself a Paris factory , the Maison Fontaine took up the canned tomato industry , the whole department of the Vaucluse started to specialise in the same business , and it was only after the events recorded by him that Italy and America introduced their own versions of canned tomatoes .
7 The person on duty disappeared out the back and I went to sit in the same seat where I had sat the night before .
8 I never thought to find in the same establishment a Gooseneck , a Ramsbum and a Blitherdick . ’
9 It argued that public-sector resources were substantial , ‘ but efforts need to be pulled together more effectively , and brought to bear in the same place at the same time ’ ( ibid .
10 But Stripey rarely chose to sleep in the same place two nights running .
11 These symptoms were present most of the time , but became much worse if Sheila drove the car , used certain aerosol sprays , or had to sit in the same room as someone wearing perfume or aftershave .
12 There were two clues in the problem : first , that the letters had to appear in the same order , which helped you try out possible solutions ; second , the word " descend .
13 When junior health minister Tim Yeo launched the Mansell report on services for people with learning difficulties with challenging behaviour a couple of months ago , he made the aside that perhaps his audience were wondering why there was need of such a report , given the work the King 's Fund had done in the same area over the years .
14 But he was in a sense revivified : his heart withstood the weakening effect of his illnesses much better than it had done in the same period of the previous year , and this was the first winter for some time when he had not been forced to seek treatment in a clinic .
15 Two of his sisters and many of his relatives over three generations had died in the same way , indicating that the condition may be inherited .
16 The Czechoslovak Communist leader , Klement Gottwald , who had died in the same year as Stalin and was embalmed like him and Lenin , suffered the indignity of springing a leak , loosing fluid , and slowly decomposing .
17 Strangely , Gilkes , his predecessor , had died in the same manner , in the same area , in September , 20 years previously .
18 He fell into step beside her and they continued to walk in the same direction .
19 I had to sleep in the same room as loads of them on account of we said I was his secretary . ’
20 According to Castle gossip , he had behaved in the same way towards the Major 's predecessor .
21 The 24-year-old buxom blonde who ‘ gave her favours freely to young village schoolboys ’ was told by Mr Justice Sheldon , ‘ If a man had behaved in the same way with girls of this age he would have ended up with a long prison sentence ’ .
22 Where a road which bears all the marks of having been laid out by the enclosure commissioners makes , at longish intervals , a sudden right-angled bend , sometimes two bends in quick succession , one can be pretty certain that though it was planned by the commissioners it follows an even older line from one village to the next , a line which had deviated in the same way around the heads of medieval furlongs .
23 Seb rode to where Noah Plunkett still sat on his sheepskin ‘ throne ’ , giving the impression he had remained in the same place since the wedding party began .
24 With Lord Hailsham 's retirement as Lord Chancellor in 1988 , Mrs Thatcher alone had remained in the same post and only Peter Walker , George Younger , and Sir Geoffrey Howe had been in the Cabinet continuously .
25 After Wordsworth 's marriage she continued to live in the same house ; in 1829 she became seriously ill , suffering from arteriosclerosis .
26 It was because the parties had all analysed the nature of the problem we had to decide in the same way that it was agreed at the outset of the hearing before us that the central question we had to answer was this : in what capacity are High Court judges sitting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary cases ?
27 Still the stitch continued to drop in the same area .
28 Because his rights as a tenant were protected and because in any case the university did n't wish to be seen turfing out an elderly man whose family had lived in the same cottage for five generations , we left him in peace and build around him , as it were , expecting him perhaps to move elsewhere or maybe to pass away .
29 Peter and Carol had lived in the same row of houses for 16 years .
30 At Abbotsfield itself he had lived in the same house as Kate for nearly a month .
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