Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] and [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Marc stopped laughing and for a moment his eyes darkened .
2 She started to read and for a moment lost her rigid self-consciousness in admiring delight at her own writing , its clarity and generosity .
3 The jury under his Lordship 's direction found that the appellant had paid all the sums which by the agreement of December 21 , 1876 , he undertook to pay and within the times therein specified .
4 They crossed M Street and kept going and in a doorway she snatched off the wig and beret and rammed them into the shoulder bag that had been expanded from the purse she had been carrying before .
5 Minton went to apologise and by the end of his visit both he and Lindsay are said to have been very drunk and reconciled .
6 However , I kept trying and with the help of Mr Norman Tebbit , our then junior minister and himself a former airline pilot , the project went through .
7 After I got started and into the conversation I felt a lot more comfortable .
8 Finishing with a par 4 Stevie had won and on the morrow would be presented by the Princess with his Golden Putter .
9 And there it was , in the late nineties , he was adding up his pence and his shillings and the odd pound or two here and there , these were his costs of making the pictures that he was making in those days , and then when you turned over and we came to nineteen hundred , nineteen hundred and one , nineteen hundred and two , erm the figures had broadened and under the pounds into three figures and then into four .
10 Hahnemann was the first to start modifying what he himself had enunciated and towards the end of his life he developed a further series of dilutions which he called the LM potencies , in which the material was diluted 1 in 50,000 at each step , rather than the more usual 1 in 10 or 1 in 100 dilution steps .
11 The motor age had arrived and by the end of the 1950s one and a quarter million new vehicles were being registered every year .
12 Dismayed at the pain he had inflicted and at the pain he himself felt in consequence , Richard rushed forward , then stopped a few feet from Victoria twisting from side to side in frustration , wondering how he could stop her crying .
13 For some time before this heavy clouds had increased and in the west the sky had become a dense purplish-black , a range of mountainous cumulus against which the outlines of buildings took on a curious clarity and the trees stood out livid and sickly bright .
14 Three days later , Timothy rode to Yelton to tell Topaz what had happened and of the story which the marchioness had concocted .
15 Complete silence , for the rain had ceased and for the moment the storm seemed to have moved away .
16 The rain had ceased and behind the wherry 's mast was a splendid yellow and grey sky .
17 After that they ignored the war and its grisly aftermath and talked about nothing very important : new books , the latest films that had been shown in London since Julia had left and about the BBC 's new Third Programme .
18 He could tell , from the way she had hesitated and from the smile she had given .
19 The regular freighter from Denmark had docked and along the quayside barges were moored , filled with coconuts and spices which had been transshipped from the large Oriental freighters at the Royal group of docks downriver .
20 Sixty two only , you know , not that long after the War had ended and to the lament that nobody got killed you know you might have had more chances e of success if they had all got killed .
21 Although the initiators had a reasonably clear idea of what they wished to achieve and of the means by which this might be pursued , the fine detail could only be thrashed out as the project proceeded .
22 They stood to leave and as an afterthought Cobalt got up , too , and saw them to the door .
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