Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] the [adj] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In view of the commitment expressed by the US President , George Bush , to withdraw all US invasion forces from Panama by the end of February 1990 [ see p. 37177 ] , García agreed to attend the international drugs summit in Cartagena ( Colombia ) on Feb. 15 [ for which see pp. 37243-44 ] .
2 Mr Bruce Hepburn , the 24-year-old former student who helped found the Imperial Ventures company which commissioned the survey , said if companies did not improve their image ‘ they will go out of business ’ .
3 Mr Bruce Hepburn , the 24-year-old former student who helped found the Imperial Ventures company which commissioned the survey , said if companies did not improve their image ‘ they will go out of business ’ .
4 Staring blankly at the rubble , all that remained of the cottage , she tried to remember the exact words Leo had used when he 'd given her the cheque .
5 As teams of temps struggled to cope with the mounting chaos , Jackson tried to keep the Equal Opportunities flame burning .
6 You felt as if you 'd signed the Official Secrets Act .
7 Spared the indignity of being questioned in person , it was reported on Sept. 25 that lawyers of the veteran power broker had delivered a written statement to the Public Prosecutor 's Office in which their client acknowledged breaching the Political Funds Control Law through the receipt of 500 million yen ( US$1.00=121.928 yen as at Oct. 26 , 1992 ) from Sagawa Kyubin .
8 When she finished selling the remaining tickets Sally looked around for them , realised what had happened and went back to sit on one of the hard upright chairs which lined the hall .
9 The pensioners ' organization threatened to defend the former pensions law through the courts .
10 After the Lords 's report was published , ministers decided to implement the 1975 Reservoirs Act , which had lain on the statute hook for eight years .
11 After a day or so , they started to inspect the half-buried ¾″ plastic pipes I had provided as caves .
12 The chief reason why the May events failed to transform the industrial relations structure — let alone society as a whole — is the behaviour of the CGT and the Communist Party .
13 The project , which began in October 1977 aimed to apply the rational expectations hypothesis and portfolio theory to linked macroeconomic models of the major organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development economies .
14 This grouping sought to oppose the civil rights programme in which Truman called for the establishment of a more powerful Fair Employment Practices Commission , a law to make lynching a Federal crime , and the removal of obstacles preventing blacks from voting .
15 Joseph followed Suit with Dong , and when the commotion died own and they had bidden the Annamese boys goodnight , he and Paul stripped off their shirts and walked over to the bamboo skinning platform where Chuck was already back at work on his buffalo hide .
16 Saw Maung had relinquished the Foreign Affairs portfolio to U Ohn Gaw in September 1991 and the Defence portfolio in March 1992 .
17 It gave me a temporary Equity card — mind you they took it away again as soon as I had done the four weeks work .
18 He had done the Royal Marines commando training , he had insisted on parachute jumping and escaping from a tank in 100 feet of water in a simulated exercise — an exercise that killed two men over the next two years .
19 Vlok also conceded , on July 21 , that the SAP had provided the United Workers Union ( UWUSA ) , the trade union wing of Inkatha , with as much as R1,500,000 .
20 He could hardly have been welcome , because when he had entered the senior police officer 's room it had been with two aides trying to keep him out by every manoeuvre other than manhandling him .
21 Viscount Melbourne became Prime Minister in July 1835 , but by the end of that year , it was necessary for the Duke of Wellington to become Prime Minister for a short period , followed for about one year by Sir Robert Peel , who had been Home Secretary and had introduced the first Police Force , enrolling men who soon became known as ‘ Peelers ’ or ‘ Bobbies ’ , after the founder .
22 The Los Angeles Times had asked the local police chief why the riots had occurred : ‘ One person threw a rock , and then , like monkeys in a zoo , others started throwing rocks . ’
23 I really did n't intend to join this regiment , in fact I was making efforts to rejoin the Yeomanry , who are out here [ his former regiment had landed in Algeria as part of the 6th Armoured Division in the First Army and had supported the 1st Guards Brigade in the battle for Tunis ] , but the C.O. of this regiment chose me by interview and I had to go , being only a very small cog in the wheels of war .
24 No , that 's wrong : Kastner had beaten the Golden Gloves winner .
25 The events discredited the Government and fuelled the discontent that had created the civil rights movement in the first place .
26 The newspaper pointed out that , while Nicholas Ridley had created the National Rivers Authority to oversee the state of river water , he had refused to create a similar body to monitor tapwater and bring prosecution of polluters .
27 The Mexican Finance Ministry had announced on Jan. 10 , 1990 , that only about 10 per cent of the banks had chosen the new loans option , one of three choices under the four-year commercial bank debt refinancing agreement reached in July 1989 with 15 major banking creditors .
28 Firstly , the Ulster Special Constabulary , invented to supplement the main police force , was derived largely from the former Ulster Volunteer Force .
29 Only the RIBA is standing somewhat aloof , even though it has no chance of funding a new ‘ architecture centre ’ , intended to house the splendid Drawings Collection at its Portland Place headquarters .
30 Labour 's Shadow Home Affairs Minister , Alun Michael , said Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke wanted to centralise the 43 police forces in England and Wales .
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