Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] his [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Edward agreed to renounce his claim to the French crown , while John was to abandon his demand for sovereignty over the lands ceded to the English .
2 ‘ Of course , I agreed to carry his bag like a shot , and the Irish golfer gave me some very basic instruction in my duties over a couple of pints of the dark stuff from his native land .
3 They came to an agreement , and the man designated retained his authority by a leadership which did not offend his fellow lineage members : support could fall away , men could choose another elder to act for them , or fail to contribute to common funds when required .
4 There is no evidence that sceattas circulated widely in the Mercian hinterland and some reason to suggest in the light of a multiplicity of distinctive sceatta coinages in eastern and southern England that Aethelbald , who may have minted in Canterbury , failed to impose his authority over the issue of coins by others , ‘ a critical commentary ’ , perhaps ‘ on what Bede asserts , and on Aethelbald 's own claims ’ .
5 He bit his lip as he tried to thread his finger through the trigger guard .
6 The magistrate who tried to kill his wife with a home-made gas chamber has been jailed for nine years .
7 Three times Balaam tried to drive his donkey along the desert road .
8 Ken , upset , tried to drive his van through the line of Mr Rowse 's patients : he broke the ankle of an elderly man too feeble to jump out of the way .
9 He tried to batter his rider against the wall , scrape him off against a fragment of the banisters , but still Fleury held on .
10 In his final years he tried to revive his career in an American television series about martial arts called The Master ( 1986 ) but it failed and another series never got beyond the pilot stage .
11 In his keynote speech to the conference on June 26 Hawke savagely attacked the Liberal-National Party opposition and promised to lead his party to a fifth election victory .
12 The shepherd grew pale and left us at once , and tried to rid his stomach of the dread stuff , and thereafter went home to his bed , expecting to die .
13 Dyson tried to fix his mind upon the tiny grains of chalk fleeing before the duster , filling the air , and settling upon shiny surfaces , totally and eternally discharged of theorem and crusade , or any lingering imprint of them .
14 When ‘ King John ’ Houlding , a self-made brewer and prominent local Tory , tried to use his position on the Everton board to jack up the rent paid to him by The club , There was a shareholders ' revolt and Houlding eventually left the club to form Liverpool FC .
15 For a moment he remained motionless , his eyes closed , then he lifted his joined hands in front of him in a graceful arc and bent to press his forehead against the floor in silent prayer .
16 In a statement on April 22 designed to convince a visiting fact-finding mission from the Organization of American States ( OAS ) [ see below ] of his democratic intent , he promised to submit his decision to a plebiscite on July 5 , and pledged that proposed constitutional reforms would also be subjected to the popular vote on Aug. 31 .
17 He watched her graceful movements as she came towards him and tried to shut his mind to the sight of her bare limbs .
18 In his autobiographical novel , The Favourite Game , he tells how Breavman ‘ tried to fight his anger with a softer emotion , ’ and how ‘ he tore the books as his father weakened . ’
19 She opened her eyes , closed them again , looked up , tried to read his profile in the half-light .
20 She did n't need to be told that this was Claudine because the newcomer swept up to Alain and bent to kiss his cheek with an air of one who was quite accustomed to his undivided attention .
21 I tried to keep his mind off the real tension before a major championship gets started .
22 In 1560 Henry Knyvet became a gentleman pensioner to Queen Elizabeth I. This connection , and the links he sustained with prominent men in Wiltshire , helped to ensure his position among the office-holding gentry , despite enmities fostered by land disputes persisting throughout the 1560s and 1570s .
23 Paragraph 5 of the rule was directed not only at enforcement of a judgment in favour of a claimant who had obtained judgment in his favour but also at preventing , by means of the principle of res judicata , relitigation of the same case by a person who was properly represented by a claimant against whom judgment had been given dismissing the claim , whether that person tried to pursue his claim against a named defendant sued in his own right only , or against a named defendant sued both personally and as a representative of a class , or against a member of that class .
24 Agitated , Joe tried to lift his head off the pillow .
25 Dressed in black and wearing a balaclava , he tried to force his way into the car , but the doors were locked .
26 His eyes searched Meredith 's anxiously , as he tried to get his tongue around the word she 'd taught him .
27 Rincewind tried to get his tongue round the thick syllables that were the word in Twoflower 's own language .
28 Willy Brandt tried to present his policy as the natural continuation of Adenauer 's : he would reconcile Germany with the East in the same way as the old man had reconciled her with the West .
29 Robert tried to compose his face into an expression of humble trust .
30 In 436 the Visigothic king Theoderid tried to expand his territory towards the Rhône valley , but was checked by Aëtius and his general Litorius .
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