Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] he [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He was also cursing his luck at being caught out in the open , when three figures stepped forward into the moonlight and stopped facing him across the intervening space .
2 Chapman called at Bastin 's home and tried to convince him of the spectacular career he would have at Highbury .
3 Yeah , I found , only because I went out one night , and , it was when Mike was still next door and what I 'd done I 'd locked him in the back room and he said he was howling
4 She 'd invited him round the previous evening and things had n't gone at all as he 'd hoped .
5 We arranged to meet him on the early train at Skipton the next day and off he went to his bog .
6 Much to his surprise , he found Burn was already staying there but ‘ laid up with a severe illness ’ , so he arranged to meet him on the following Monday .
7 She shifted the weight of his arm from her shoulders and began urging him towards the front door before his fabrications began to get even more elaborate .
8 Moses , for instance , was a whimpering mass of inferiority as God began to commission him at the burning bush .
9 His refusal to grant extra funding on the grounds of ‘ basic need ’ at the two schools in his own constituency created a political storm which threatened to deprive him of the Roman Catholic vote in the general election .
10 The glass was bullet-proof , sky-proof , sea-proof , plant-proof , stone-proof , everything-proof and he refused to come out of it , not even when the Headmaster threatened to throw him to the giant eel for being so cowardly .
11 His mother sought to protect him from the usual customs such as summoning the relatives to his father 's bedside , but the trauma was nevertheless very deeply felt .
12 She started towing him towards the back room .
13 She thought for a moment , then decided to tell him of the little house in Washington where she and Mama had lived before Mama married Papa — She wondered briefly what Dr Neil would have made of that story .
14 I went to visit him at the Benedictine monastery at Nashdom and asked him for any insights which he could give me from his experience in Accra .
15 Guy Sterne 's smile was dry as she finally emerged to join him by the outdoor pools , her expression almost serene .
16 Without a doubt it had been Greg 's backing which had propelled him into the big league ; without him , for all his talent , Hugo might have been trapped in small-time design and manufacture for ever .
17 Daphne Rye once again had pointed him in the right direction .
18 Tight in his hand he held the silver coin that Dad had given him at the front door .
19 Brian refused to reveal who had approached him about the royal job .
20 His father had named him for the Mughal Babur , a conqueror , a hard drinking , hard riding Turk who loved poetry , laughter and gardens .
21 I asked the villagers if they had seen him and Mr Natchet , the postman , said he had met him by the front gate when delivering letters about a month ago .
22 Manuel had quietly melted away , perhaps to leave the stage clear for Andy , perhaps to grieve alone at the cruel injustice that had robbed him of the top prize .
23 She had seen him in the little town so immersed in looking up at the old buildings , that he ran into a lamppost .
24 By the end of the reign it was already falling off , and while Henry VI had much noble support for his coronation expedition in 1430–1 , those who continued to serve him in the French war in the years to come constituted a relatively small group of men .
25 He had told him of the English girl on that first day when he had asked for the loan of the flat and permission for Constance to telephone from his palazzo .
26 He seemed a genial and indestructible landmark in the history of American music , in spite of defective hearing which had bothered him since the late Seventies .
27 On either side of the central aisle , heads nodded at the buildings and streets around them as a now livelier Ashenden continued , himself ( like the site , it appeared ) splendidly restored from whatever malaise had affected him over the previous two days , a malaise which had been noted and commented upon by several others of the group besides Mrs Shirley Brown — the latter sitting comfortably now in her usual seat , the effects of the sting having cleared up fairly quickly under the twin application of Mrs Roscoe 's unguents .
28 It was not until the oriental had addressed the armed newcomer with the blackened face , that the two youngsters had recognised him as the private detective Brett Grant .
29 A new manager and a new accountant had alerted him to the alarming fact that , notwithstanding his private plane , home recording studio and sports cars , he was short of money .
30 ‘ Several times more than once , ’ the Doctor said , the tone of his voice reflecting the numerous occasions on which Bernice had dragged him into the flea-pit cinema she 'd found in the TARDIS and insisted that he pay attention to the noir motifs and the semiotics of Double Indemnity .
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