Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] for [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , if they failed to arrange for a minor repair in the science labs and a pupil was hurt as a result , they might be guilty of a safety offence .
2 They took the lead courtesy of Trevor Smith 's sixth goal of the season but were pegged back by an equaliser from Johnny Jameson who failed to appear for the second half .
3 Ledgered bread failed to catch for the first hour but a switch to three bronze maggot on a size 14 hook presented over the far side found chub to 2 lb 8 oz from peg one .
4 Jessamy stopped drawing for a few moments .
5 The car 's hydraulics soughed as they tried to compensate for the sudden shift of the bubble but against that gale they were all but useless , and the bubble-canopy clanged on the car 's shell .
6 William Joyce did the same , without such assistance , and entered his name for Battersea Polytechnic , where he proposed to study for the intermediate examination of the London University BSc degree .
7 He tried to relax for the first time .
8 In fact , Marie Hoader tried to account for the negative consequences of unemployment in terms of five things that employment provides in our society , five sorts of experience that more and more , as we are industrialized and as more and more people are involved in working in employment , erm have come to be important and provided via employment , and we talked of two of those earlier — one 's activity and one was time structure — and you 've just raised the issue of feeling that you 're contributing to society in some way , that you 're part of a collective purpose , that you 're not just drawing things out , you 're also doing something useful with your time .
9 Later , Margaret stopped playing for a few years so she could concentrate on squash but three years ago she returned to the sport and now plays outside hitter for the Balerno team .
10 Yvonne Harper-Wake , who puts scores of women through her Tums & Bums exercise classes , replied : ‘ Most people phoned hoping for a magic remedy but it does n't exist .
11 Above all I would like to thank the sector for your friendship and warm support , and I have every confidence that Sir Jeffrey , my successor , I assume that resolution two will go through unan , unanimously , will be car , will be able to carry forward with your warm support , the vision I tried to outline for the next year .
12 I 'd flown for the first time , out to Malta in an old , rattling York aircraft , and then on to the Canal one .
13 The fact that the people involved who killed Chai in the snackbar fight were mostly ‘ unemployed youths ’ , seemed to emphasise for the young intellectuals the disrespect for knowledge prevalent in a money-orientated society .
14 On the edge of the runway Greg brought the ambulance to a halt and while they prepared to wait for the incoming aircraft , David maintained radio contact with the control tower .
15 Why was it everyone seemed to go for the easy way out ?
16 Just for a few seconds she 'd fallen for the powerful aphrodisiac of music , her senses sharpened by aquavit and the potent charisma of a man who would stop at nothing to achieve his desired ends !
17 He 'd trusted for the last time .
18 The American firm Cannondale produces a jacket like this ( though I did n't buy it , as it seemed designed for an American winter ! )
19 I liked Terry more than anyone I 'd met for a long time , and we talked every day .
20 It was an astonishing thing for a wife to say about her husband to a woman she 'd met for the first time .
21 A wife I 'd met for the first time filled up
22 It was a request from a colleague : he 'd be grateful if she could cast her eye over an article he 'd written for a quarterly journal , by Friday if possible .
23 ( In my enthusiasm , I sent this letter to everyone whose name and number were on my telephone pad ( I ’ d been out rather a lot , and other members of the family took the calls ) ; this included someone who 'd phoned for a different reason , and next day I got a somewhat bemused call from an elderly gentleman who had never heard of Donkey Lane , but thought it sounded a splendid project and wanted to know all about it .
24 Hobhouse was educated at Eton ( 1875–9 ) and Christ Church , Oxford , and seemed destined for a military career , attending the Royal Military College , Sandhurst .
25 The welcoming party for Ali Bacher , first off the plane , and the 94-strong South African party was only a small one , comprising Jamaican and West Indian Board officials and assorted media , but all present knew they had witnessed a piece of history that only recently seemed destined for the next century .
26 Once Cash seemed destined for an early grave like his friends Elvis Presley and Roy Orbison .
27 And although her slenderness gave her an air of fragility , Guy had felt the gentle curves of her body when he 'd searched for a concealed weapon .
28 He 'd come half past seven to eight to pay us as we came to work , to hand us the money we 'd earnt for the last week , always keeping about three days in hand .
29 ‘ He made the ears out of an old pair of mouse ears I 'd used for a previous party , ’ she says .
30 Was he going to give her some note on performance , some idea he 'd had for a new bit of business in the play ?
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