Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes I 'd forgotten to ask you about that .
2 A normal family life , he repeated to himself , and smiled almost wanly at the thought of something that seemed destined to elude him for several years to come .
3 Feared as he was , the townsfolk had gathered to oppose him on several occasions , once when he affronted their God-fearing attitudes by ordering his men to rip the timber fan-faulting from the local church to use in the construction of Lambourn Palace .
4 For he knew what Susan had done to present him with this daughter , his beautiful Kate , born just 12 years ago , six months after Simon had left their village .
5 He had threatened to do it for some time , but only Hank had taken him seriously and tried to dissuade him .
6 And then , for ten , twenty , forty hours or so the millions sit back to watch the show as the huge tropical storm lashes and bursts and howls its way around the islands , shaking , shuddering and drenching the place as if it held all the concentrated fury of nature and had decided to unleash it upon this one unfortunate spot .
7 I remembered that I had promised to see her about some poems she had written and had nervously asked me to read .
8 Roza — I had learned to call her by this affectionate diminutive — at once sprang to her feet : ‘ Husband come .
9 Lowell had tried to form her in that woman 's image .
10 To think that for all these years I had tried to protect them from this very fate and I had n't even the pleasure of using them very often .
11 From the prologues to the Heautontimorumenos and the Adelphoe we know that his competitors had tried to discredit him for this .
12 If the Inspector had planned to unsettle me for some reason , he had succeeded .
13 She was in time to see the recovery of one of the young gentlemen who had begun to torment her on that night until Colonel Hope had silenced him .
14 She thought she had begun to know him in those intimate moments .
15 He had managed to strip her of all her protective layers , and just being in the same room as him made her feel vulnerable and helpless .
16 For a while he thought he must be dying , that his nanny had managed to poison him after all .
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