Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Arrest warrants were issued for two former Central Bank officials implicated in the scandal after they failed to appear to testify before the Senate .
2 Only about 70% of households approached agreed to participate in the Family Expenditure Survey .
3 The four other men at the table with him sensed his panic and stopped talking to look at the newcomer .
4 Windsfield straight into New Invention and every Wednesday night , first it was the cows that would come and then the sheep and they 'd got to walk to the abattoir at Bloxwich , and erm sometimes the cows were so heavy with milk that er a lot of people in New Invention had free milk and then if the , if the sheep would be here there and everywhere you know and then with mother living where there was an entry dividing four houses er and a well straight at the top , and a. a big old-fashioned er tap for the cold water , there were n't any taps laid in kitchen in er what are the outhouses it was a communal tap erm sometimes the sheep would get out of hand and they 'd run up the entry hall and all round mother 's yard and then the cows would go around , but er it , it to me I felt sorry about it , because especially in the summer er erm the poor things were so hot and to walk all those miles , now they 're carried are n't they and they used to every Wednesday every Wednesday of the year the drivers would er the men must have been absolutely tired out , well although they 'd be used to it would n't they , but it was miles to walk from Wolverhampton the cattle market to Blox straight to Bloxwich and er that was another event that erm it , we , it , we used to have .
5 Not because I was made to be late , but I , I , I , I 'd , me mother had made me cos she said you got ta come home to your dinner and there was no buses there were trams in them days , but I 'd got to get into the town .
6 She had no idea why he had telephoned her , though she did n't put it out of the realms of possibility that , having gone away when he 'd promised to think about the interview , he might well have rung to suggest some alternative .
7 I made a mental note that I must n't say anything to annoy my prim secretary , at least until after she 'd agreed to help with the business the next evening .
8 He 'd reached to click off the light , and the room shimmered again with the faintest light from the moon .
9 She relived that moment when he 'd reached to click off the bedside light , and those cool blue rays had stolen silently into the room , highlighting the unfamiliar ecstasy she 'd somehow denied herself until now …
10 She 'd gone and found the children and they 'd refused to come to the telephone , which had surprised her .
11 I explained how I 'd attempted to fire at the Corporal as Kaptan lay on the ground and how the gun had malfunctioned ; it would be more accurate to say I 'd been first to aim but the Corporal had got his shots off first .
12 You can both go to hell for all I care , ’ Sarella wondered how it was they 'd managed to get off the subject of the telephone call so quickly .
13 The whole legion of them from all sorts of different things , you know , there was the , the one about the , the secretary of the , of the club , the secretary of some organization , youth organization , said , in her annual reports , commented on how many young girls they 'd managed to get in the club that year .
14 When she did come we were all excited , but we all got told to get off the concourse and hide !
15 We even got invited to see inside the pressure vessel .
16 We had to win to get into the play-offs and they needed to win to stay in the League .
17 They were for the entertainment of the workers in their lunch break er , it was n't really much of a job but er , I kept applying to go onto the floor to actually work on the aircraft but they , they would n't sort of er , I was needed too much in the receiving departments so in the end I left .
18 This meant having to walk through the room on your own with only a torch for comfort .
19 Many councillors said they felt compelled to vote against the motion because they believed in the tenant farmers freedom of choice .
20 In 1960 , though , he felt compelled to return to the painting .
21 In 1987 , employment minister Kenneth Clarke still felt compelled to genuflect in the direction of ‘ our target of full employment ’ .
22 He went to back to work in the factory in the big cabinet making factory , and there was a fire and he went up to help some of the girls and he was trapped in the lift .
23 Jack kept trying to get above the cloud — daybreak still saw them shrouded in blackness .
24 He felt tempted to continue through the village to visit the young Prince at Woodstock Palace but , considering what he had just learnt , thought he had better wait for a while .
25 Now my Lord as is er then made clear in a statement of claim paragraph three fifteen erm between the twenty third of October and about the twenty second of November the plaintiff then acting upon the advice of Peter that it was not possible to withdraw on this contract , did endeavour to complete upon the deal as soon as possible , very much with the timing in his mind and eventually after some toing and froing which er will be demonstrated in the course of the evidence , agreement was reached with the landlord for his consent to the assignment to be given er on condition that there was payment of some advance rent by the plaintiff .
26 I did want to go to the boutique .
27 They did want to know about the recession .
28 In relation to erm the second erm erm motion erm we did want to add at the end that Her Majesty 's Inspector of Pollution incessantly environment
29 Nevertheless , reviews within the periphery did begin to deal with the relationship between form and content in far more radical ways than left or core reviews were prepared to do and were even able to hint at possible political meanings that might be derived from this process .
30 Prohibition of imports continued , in theory if not in practice , until 1842 , though many European cattle did manage to slip through the net .
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