Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [noun pl] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Darlington council yesterday agreed to demolish sheds at the motive diesel works east of Melland Street and landscape the site as part of the Railside Revival scheme .
2 Hartel opened a state-sponsored modern gallery in 1903 and created teaching appointments at the Arts and Crafts School for Kolo Moser and Josef Hoffmann .
3 Sectional groups like the Fascist Union of British Workers tried to organize strikes at the Firestone works in Brentford and on Birmingham buses .
4 It was simply their headquarters where they came to trade , where they came to er perhaps attend law courts but particularly where the prior of came when he came to do services at the Minster because he was a canon of York as well as being canon or the parish of Bramham which gave him a seat in the Cathedral .
5 But they were turned back by police who 'd found drugs at the scene .
6 Lazarene boys came to throw kisses at the trucks as they left , Justinette and Elice trying to squeeze through the open windows , catcalling back .
7 Jennings and Robson obtained teaching appointments at the LSE in the 1920s and were greatly influenced by Laski .
8 Chris , who dominated cycling events at the Barcelona Olympics , will take part in major health promotion events when his hectic racing schedule permits .
9 They spent hours pulling the handles of the fruit machines and appeared unusually lucky in their winnings , which they immediately spent buying souvenirs at the PBX shop .
10 I then began to enter competitions at the age of seven , riding a Yamaha fifty with a five-speed gearbox .
11 Soon afterwards he left the Wang ( though Zervos tried to tempt him to stay by offering him an extra , wait for it , thirty-five cents an hour ! ) and started working days at the ice-cream parlour on Main Street which belonged , coincidentally , to Celia 's uncle ( or maybe not so coincidentally since , in a town like Adam 's Creek , population 2,200 , most people ended up being related sooner or later ) .
12 When he struggled to find winners at the start of the season , the cries of gleeful recrimination reached a crescendo .
13 Still , he quite liked making jokes at the expense of other authors .
14 The final communiqué of the Turnberry meeting noted that the ministers had instructed negotiators at the CFE talks to pursue " new approaches " , particularly on the numbers of aircraft and armour and on verification , in order to speed up progress towards a CFE agreement in 1990 .
15 But perhaps she had seen others at the tree tops , for she clattered her talons violently on the top of her cage , crashed down on to its concrete floor , her wings smashing against the branch that projected across her cage , and then lunged forward at the door of her cage , driven by an impulse that spoke of a terrible longing to be free .
16 Once or twice Bully had made bites at the basket .
17 In an 1884 case , the Divisional Court held that an artisan whose wife had bought blankets at the door for 22/6d when he had given her permission to spend but 17/6d , could not be held liable for the extra sum .
18 Claims in a leaked report circulated by French officials at the meeting , purporting to show that MacSharry had offered concessions at the Chicago talks inconsistent with the CAP , were dismissed on Nov. 16 as " fantastic " by the UK Agriculture Minister John Gummer .
19 Earlier that same day Gorbachev had told workers at the Minsk tractor works that Yeltsin 's political aims " diverge from the goals of perestroika " .
20 Everyone else had grabbed seats at the back and , when it was too late , George suddenly realized why the particular seats they had chosen had been left empty .
21 In 1978 and 1980 two independent German studies reported that , in German firms surveyed , robots had replaced workers at the rate of between two and four men per robot per shift .
22 As in the Reich , it seems that they had gained votes at the expense of the middle-class Centre Party .
23 Glasgow had taken wings at the end of the 19th century .
24 Price cutting had maintained volumes at the expense of margins , but reservations since the start of the year had been encouraging , he said .
25 Years ago Constance 's mother had kept chickens at the bottom of the garden , and when they went off the lay one of her sons-in-law had strangled them and she had given them away to the neighbours , being unable to eat a bird she had known personally .
26 It also meant reassuring West European countries worried about a unified Germany that America intended to maintain troops at the heart of the continent .
27 They saw that she really wanted to change things at the factory , and everyone agreed with her that safety was very important .
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