Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [adv] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Each year Mrs Curdle asked to see how the previous year 's bouquet had worn , so that the doctor and his wife were in honour bound not to destroy these offerings .
2 Causality is Granger causality , which is based on the idea that , if past values of the variable × improve predictions of the current value of variable Y , relative to predictions made using just the past values of Y , while past values of Y can not improve on the predictions of the current value of X made using past values of X , X ‘ causes ’ Y , in the special sense that X leads Y .
3 Plus , plus you got to see how the other breeds are doing , and
4 The Socialist leader took charge of the mandate after the conservative New Democracy Party , which fell three seats short of an overall majority in the general elections last weekend , failed to drum up the extra support it needed to create a minority administration .
5 Broker Cazenove , responsible for marketing the UK tranche of the share sale , failed to drum up the same level of enthusiasm exhibited in other centres .
6 Whenever he tried to go home the old woman would throw a magic ball of thread into his boat and draw him back to shore .
7 Playing with the selectors challenged my mathematics as I tried to work out the exact number of available tones , but let's just say there should be something here for virtually every style of player .
8 To achieve this aim involved driving out the small importers .
9 Surprisingly , only Roger E Bryan tried to conjure up the real Neil Kinnock , now unsuppressed by his minders and able to give full rein to his natural prolixity : ‘ I am full of hate , spite , yes malice and rage/Or even loathing , disgust , rancour , venom and wrath …
10 Ted resumed the operation of the cabin and tried to shake off the depressing atmosphere that now pervaded the small room .
11 She looked round the hall , then bent to pick up the broken remains of a photo frame .
12 The other major difference from the straightforward version is that the variable LR now stores a list of all rules which helped to set up the current state .
13 While he was speaking , Emily tried to pick up the incriminating letter and slip it into her bag , but Marcus stopped her .
14 Dot in the conservatory watched as Loopy Lil slowly tried to pick up the unsteady tray of china .
15 She moved stealthily down the hall to the kitchen , her hearing sharpened by fear as she strained to detect even the slightest movement in the old house .
16 I ventured to express exactly the opposite opinion and was stared at as if I were a hawker of ladies ’ underwear who had accidentally strayed into a monastery . ’
17 Full of confidence , Pliny tried to calm down the overwrought Pomponianus , and to demonstrate his own unconcern , went off to freshen up in the local baths , and subsequently sat down to eat a hearty meal .
18 Gooch , typically , tried to play down the huge blow to England his own illness has been .
19 I thought it would be of interest to members if I tried to illustrate how the diamorphic diagnosis can be made , even with a dusty old specimen in a cupboard somewhere .
20 Sitting behind the wheel of the Lagonda , he tried to understand why the old man had discouraged him .
21 Mr Jones helped set up the Welsh School in Cefn Mawr and was founder of the Cefn Mawr and District Welsh Society .
22 A small battery-powered fan whirled the smoke away and generally tried to stir up the humid air which played such havoc with Ellen 's precious books in their orange-crate shelves .
23 Desperately I tried to hold down the rising sickness I felt about the theft of my writing to listen to all he was telling .
24 And it was the arrival of one of the men who had denied them victory in the past that helped to spark off the renewed challenge in 1993 .
25 This echoes the general case made by Rychner for variation between closely related fabliau texts to be explicable on the basis of different intended audiences , although van den Boogard actually contradicted Rychner 's specific findings on the Anglo-Norman fabliaux , which Rychner found to represent only the common degeneration typical of " " transmission memorielle " " .
26 She shook her head , and tried to rub out the impossible visions .
27 He got down on his hands and knees and tried to rub out the muddy footprints .
28 Gale-force winds helped to break up the 40-km oil slick , reducing the impact of what was initially reported as a massive environmental disaster , although oil continued to seep out of the sunken vessel .
29 He tried to break down the father-role position doctors held , so the patients could feel more relaxed and see him almost as an equal .
30 Also on May 2 another Croatian policeman was killed in the mainly Croatian coastal village of Polaca when Serbian police tried to take over the Croatian-manned police station ; and a helicopter carrying among others the Vice-President of the Croatian Federal Assembly , Vladimir Seks , was fired on and forced to make an emergency landing after it took off from Kijevo .
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