Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [adv] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The door was open and I did hear that much when I passed to go in to the ladies ' toilet .
2 I could feel my heart going boom-ba-di-boom — imagined my heart when it was dead , all its auricles and ventricles shrinking and wrinkling like burst balloons after my head got bashed in on the rocks .
3 Logically , it would make sense to assume that the aircraft failed to come up to the standards of performance and aggressive capability which the Soviets expected of it .
4 Middlesbrough 's shambolic defenders failed to come up with the answers to the riddles posed by Rosenthal 's direct running .
5 Following news that the SQL Access Group is slowing down work on Phases 3 of its SQL Specification ( UX No 385 ) , the group now says it is changing direction to focus on market demands , and admits it got carried away with the academics of development .
6 It may therefore be proposed that BRAC 's programme failed to communicate properly with the practitioners and consequently alienated them with regard to the concept of the lobon-gur mixture .
7 Last summer we initiated the loan exhibition at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge of the finest private German collection of Romantic and Nazarene Drawings which we advised and helped build up over the years , having bought for the collection on commission here at the London auctions major drawings like Koch 's ‘ The Schmadribachfall ’ , and Overbeck 's important preparatory study for his fresco at the Villa Massimo in Rome .
8 Mrs Reynolds was in the doorway , almost ready herself to go to the wedding — she never missed a wedding or a funeral — but seeing the procession that approached withdrew back into the shadows of the room to observe better the old cockerel go by followed by his dismayed pullets .
9 Not given to self-pity , he heaved the problem out of his mind and tried to look forward to the challenges of tomorrow , but weariness overtook him and he retired to the shed and his mothy sleeping bag .
10 Francis hugged Elaine and tried to shrink further into the shadows beneath the screens .
11 The ground around Bilbao rises to over 2,000 feet , and our route involved flying just above the tops of nearby hills .
12 When that happened , the others , those whose canoes sank , tried to hold on to the canoes that were still afloat .
13 " Not bad — not bad at all , " replied Joseph hurriedly and he tried to lean back against the cushions in the same careless fashion as his brother while the two rickshaws rolled on together side by side through the light traffic .
14 Mind reading At one of my first-ever children shows , the father told me of this mind reading trick which we found worked well with the children .
15 The boy tried to move in with the grandparents .
16 The sound it made rustling outside in the trees made him feel comfortable and protected .
17 And , every twenty minutes or so , a storm broke : thunder rumbled , lightning flickered , and tropical rain came crashing down from the showerheads fitted in the ceiling .
18 She must have sat alone there for a good quarter of an hour , singing to herself , before Henry and Lettice came crashing back through the woods , squealing that they had seen Humphrey and Janet and must take to the skiff at once .
19 I HAVE to admit that up to now , I 'd heard more about The Cranberries than of them .
20 Then , her arms under his and locked on his chest , she 'd drag my father 's dead weight from wherever he 'd fallen over to the cushions .
21 Otley came tearing back down the stairs white as a sheet and put the mug of cocoa down on the table .
22 ‘ And I knew it from that first day when you came driving down to the chais like a crazy woman .
23 Hotspur put up a hand to the furred collar of his cloak , and let it slide from his shoulders ; and like a silent and attentive valet the girl came gliding out of the shadows and took it from him .
24 A strong , dark , classical face , with a cleft chin and that peculiarly haunting quality she 'd seen only in the paintings of old masters .
25 ‘ Goat stinks , ’ said Camille , for it was not so long since she had been frequently taken by Connie to children 's zoos where these creatures — mostly nannies and kids — were considered suitably sized and disposed to mingle briefly with the children of men .
26 I did n't find out he was the artist who 'd done all of the paintings until the end of the conversation and that was basically what ended the conversation : I just ran off !
27 And I think it was an example of the trust that we 'd built up over the weeks and months that we were able to do it .
28 He 'd got in with the punks and seen immediately what they were doing , what a renaissance this was in music .
29 ‘ I 'd got in amongst the sharks , filming them in a feeding frenzy . ’
30 The sound of singing came drifting up from the quays below .
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