Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such a world view is the product of a perception conceptualized to contend dramatically with the instant experience of dealing with highly emotive , personal conflicts at street level , or the tensions of ritual ‘ battles with criminals ’ .
2 The area where the Parsons lived lay not in the desirable temperate zone called North Oxford but further north , too far by half , in the boreal tundra of pre-war suburbia out towards the ring road , beyond which lie the arctic wastes of Kidlington , where first-time buyers huddle in their brick igloos and watch the mortgage rate rising .
3 Britain prefers absolute standards , which would exclude all products that failed to come up to the minimum acceptable level .
4 Just two days before the share sale was due to close , the Greater Manchester Council superannuation fund failed to come up with the expected £250,000 .
5 The Quebec government , however , warned the federal government and the English-speaking provinces that if they failed to come up with an acceptable constitutional solution , Quebec would proceed with its own independence referendum by October 1992 .
6 I got mixed up with the wrong crowd for a while …
7 We got caught up in the keep-fit bandwagon in the mid 80s and got ourselves into shape .
8 But if I ever got caught out with the big guy in the skull mask and the big axe thing then I 'd probably ask to end up coming back as my son because he 'd have my amazing charm , dazzling character , obscene talent ( ? — Ed ) , and chiselled good looks ! ( and gift for talking utter bullshine ! — Ed ) .
9 It was perhaps ironic that having decided to dedicate the rest of his career to the private sector that Cuckney became caught up in a major government row when he took over as chairman of Westland Group .
10 I also made a promise to myself that when I got picked again for a major championship I would progress beyond the first round .
11 But I cooled him out and he agreed to come along to a new rehearsal place that we 'd found , The Rose And Crown in Wandsworth .
12 Maginnis , and by implication the Official Unionists , were weak and failed to stand up for the common man .
13 Is she aware that when my hon. Friend the Member for Workington ( Mr. Campbell-Savours ) and I visited Moscow last week and questioned Russian officials about food aid , we found stacked away in a third-floor warehouse what we were told was the whole British contribution of beef to Moscow , which had been there for a month ?
14 ON Saturday 130 of Britain 's fastest kart racing drivers will take part in the Townparks Car Sales sponsored opening round of the British championships for gearbox driven machines .
15 Whether she would in fact have opened the door and tried to jump out of a moving vehicle proved to be an academic question .
16 Over Adam 's shoulder , she watched as the couple moved to stand together in a quiet corner , deeply engrossed in each other .
17 I tried to sneak out with an open-necked shirt , but she called me back .
18 I do n't know how or why it worked , but I stopped waking up in a cold sweat .
19 She tried lying down on the bare mattress , but the whole place felt cold and close .
20 Broussac , on our way home , stopped to jeer in at the lighted windows of Master Ferrebourg 's office .
21 ‘ Although Tara never is really dark , ’ said Caspar as they stopped to look back at the great shining edifice outlined against the sky .
22 I used to do a job which involved getting up at an unearthly hour while , as far as I could tell , the rest of the world slept .
23 They were hooting and flapping their great woolly arms as they tried to climb on to a private jetty .
24 The stunt — which involved jumping out of a hot air balloon attached to a piece of elastic — has never been attempted in Britain before .
25 Schools went in for a lot of physical education , ‘ drill ’ , which involved jumping about in a drafty hall with your skirt tucked into your knickers if you were female .
26 She tried to hold on to the heady rapture that was sweeping her along like a river in flood .
27 I was going on with it , all the bumps were okay but when I was actually inside the building again I hung on to GrandPat to get to the steps but my hand slipped so I was going round with the current so I tried to hold on to the orange thing that they had put there but I slipped off that and I kept on going round and the lifeguard gave erm me and somebody else a hoop and we both grabbed onto it
28 Pennethorne was called to explain his proposals , and in an appendix to the proceedings , Molesworth said that after considering Inman and Phipps 's report , he ‘ proposed to commence immediately with the Foreign Office ’ .
29 Though Lowe tried to hang on to the original concept , RSGB 's figures finally killed off the ‘ Sunday Guardian ’ approach .
30 The journalists claim in ‘ Ambush : The War Between The SAS and the IRA ’ that the SAS man drove a lorry identical to the ex-UDR man 's and pretended to break down on a lonely Tyrone road .
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