Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [pron] [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Gripping the ski-poles I tried to keep myself steady as the velocity increased and then , all of a sudden I sailed over the edge and felt myself going head over heels towards a white mass of snow far below .
2 In order to help the real King , I tried to make myself popular with the people .
3 I just wanted to leave the tent , but as this was not possible due to the weather outside , I snuggled down in my sleeping bag and tried to make myself comfortable on the hard , stony ground .
4 Animation returned to Victoria 's features ; it was so touching when your children tried to make you cheerful with no conception of what was on your mind .
5 I tried to make it clear at an early stage my petition is a simple , straightforward one not involved with wildlife management , history or anything else like that , I simply believe that killing animals for fun is morally wrong .
6 Instead , the definition of democracy itself has been revised , adapted , narrowed and diluted to render it compatible with the persisting belief in the necessity or the virtue of rule by elites , with an equally persistent mistrust of " the masses " and , perhaps most important of all , to render it compatible with the existing political systems of the Western world which call themselves " democracies " .
7 Once they 'd come out of the house , he 'd shaken himself free of the women and had now adopted a surly silence .
8 Yet this contrasted oddly with his sloppy clothes , his bare knees and hairy legs , for he seemed to see nothing peculiar about a doctor who behaved like a gentleman but who looked like a beachcomber .
9 We never seemed to see anything strange in the fact that he was maybe 10 years older than us .
10 Joe coloured and felt guilty at deceiving the family , but no one seemed to see anything strange in the arrangement .
11 He 'd done something dishonest for the first time in his business life , and it sat uneasily on his conscience .
12 ‘ I think he 'd got himself involved with the law .
13 No need to tell them about Charlie and getting married or the unholy row with Mama or the hell that was let loose when she told them she 'd had her medical for the WRNS and if anyone tried to stop her going …
14 He longed to ask her if she 'd had anything nice in the post , but did n't quite dare .
15 She 'd had it inlaid with a hundred , several hundred small white fairy-lights , and it gave the effect of a real fantastic night sky , especially on a good night .
16 food for thought for Hereford who deserved at least a draw … they 'd did themselves proud in a game which sent the fans home happy
17 ‘ Marius wrote a letter to his son last November — this is a copy of it — complaining in humble terms about how he 'd left himself short by the gift and not taken inflation into account , and would Nigel let him have a small income from various shares and properties ?
18 The last time he 'd seen her she 'd been drunk , they 'd had a fight , he 'd left her sprawling on the carpet .
19 And er quite simply that if they 'd left it alone on a European side because obviously you can get flight from London Gatwick for approximately forty nine pounds
20 The Hereford fans must have thought , but United did em proud with a second from Marcus Browning .
21 Choreography cost money , and no-one out front really gave a toss anyway ; but all the same it rankled. because it seemed to say something unignorable about the station he 'd reached in life .
22 The tide had risen a foot above the usual high water mark , and when they came to cut him free in the morning , they found him hanging on the outer wall — drowned .
23 It was anger , she 'd thought suddenly , anger as sharp and cruel as the blade of a knife , as if he 'd held her responsible for the desire so clearly etched into his arrogant , handsome face …
24 Afterwards I was very glad that we had n't , still being at an age to believe that there is something intrinsically precious in virginity , and I decided to carry mine intact to the altar .
25 Leaving his wife to clear up all the dishes , Mr Jones went to get himself ready for a good game of cards with his friends from work .
26 Pitman yanked him back on to a true line and managed to steer him clear of the rails , but the two hundred yards he had left to run seemed like two hundred miles , and Red Rum was now only five lengths back .
27 So I thought have it smooth over the pole and then all frilly underneath and this lovely line of soft crimson .
28 I mean the Marxism was the motivation just as it was for the Chinese but er I do n't think the Russian revolution remained Marxist revolution for very long But the achievement of revolution did make it possible for the success of revolution to be seen by the Chinese because it had already been achieved .
29 From the very first , I had sensed something wrong about the long-haired Mamba … for one thing a man should not be that beautiful .
30 A producer had fed them silly in an effort to woo them to do a film .
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