Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [pron] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But Bodie softened his voice , teased Liz mercilessly , until she agreed to meet him a few minutes later , to be taken to Linda Stone 's school .
2 IAN McCANN cruises the mean streets of Kingston to find out what a crap fist they 're making of the great man 's legacy , and to talk to some of those who helped make him the Third World 's finest musical ambassador .
3 If she tried to evict him an undignified struggle would only ensue and she would n't give him the satisfaction .
4 He talked of ‘ the white man 's Christ ’ , invoked to preserve what the white man has got ; and of the ‘ black man 's Christ ’ — the Christ of suffering and sacrifice .
5 He tried to find himself a new girl to take his mind off it : some new girl , because Peg had gone wrong .
6 Stevie cos he tried to fry himself the other week
7 Someone came to the shop and tried to sell him an old cross with paste stones in it .
8 A youth tried to sell me a Socialist Worker and seemed confused when I told him that in my experience the words were diametrically opposed .
9 She tried to imagine what an imposing building it must have been in its time .
10 I promised to give it the fifty-one hours , so that 's , let me see , forty-five left .
11 I tried to give him a withering look .
12 Wycliffe wanted her to talk , not merely to answer questions , and he tried to give her a new lead .
13 He took care never to stay with her for more than twenty minutes , obeying both the spirit and the letter of Anthony 's orders , but he tried to give her a clear account of the eight days Kesselring had spent in the witness box , watching her face all the time for signs of boredom or exhaustion .
14 He shifted uncomfortably and tried to give her a reassuring grin .
15 He dismissed the question as so much supposition , but when he tried to give her a reassuring hug she wriggled free and went out on to the balcony to join the others .
16 He promised to send me a fucking picture postcard .
17 To add realism I then used to turn one the ginger-haired player to face the goal and said ‘ What the fuck was that ’ in a Scottish accent .
18 Tried to get you a better bargain .
19 My father tried making me a wooden train , but that did n't satisfy me , as I wanted something that worked .
20 I tried to ring her the other day as going to a seminar at my solicitors office nearby and had hoped to walk up plus dog , leave Bella for duration of seminar and pick her up again = kill exercise bird with seminar stone as it were .
21 We tried to make it the best school , and it was an outstanding girls ' school . "
22 Laura , having grasped the necessity of a calm private life for herself , tried to make it an attainable goal for all through her products .
23 But as she bent to cuddle them a small boy , brushing down a pony , picked up a lump of mud and hurled it at the dogs to drive them off .
24 He promised to bring me a few notes from which I could prepare a draft but he never did . ’
25 So it was that her charisma and undoubted beauty helped to make her the first lady air correspondent in the world .
26 TWO schoolboy boxers , Joe Ainscough and Tony Maguire , helped to make it a successful night for Kirkdale ABC by outpointing their opponents , J.Addison ( Tuebrook ) and A.Khaliq ( Bradford ) respectively , at their club 's final show of the season at The Mons , Bootle .
27 Teachers Sarah , Caroline , Else and Wendy send a big ‘ Thank You ’ to everyone who supported their first ever Rally and helped to make it a big success — they are actually thinking of a second one this year !
28 And the massive Independent Television outside broadcast unit ensemble helped to make it a busy day at Horsted Keynes with the Bluebell already geared up that day for the official launch of the Southern Q1 they have restored on behalf of the National Railway Museum .
29 She did n't realise that she 'd given me the greatest gift of all .
30 He 'd given her a few sugar pieces , which she 'd taken , and even offered several pinches of snuff , which she had n't .
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