Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [pron] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They held up posters rejecting the idea that their fathers were anything like the Gestapo , and calling for ‘ full social security ’ for Stasi officers expected to lose their posts in the process of trimming the service .
2 His widow , Jeanne , held the Joinvilles ' English lands but , like Aymer de Valence , agreed to renounce her claim to a part of the Lusignan inheritance ( 1308–10 ) , although she held four Poitevin and Limousin lordships in reversion until her death in April 1323 .
3 Edward agreed to renounce his claim to the French crown , while John was to abandon his demand for sovereignty over the lands ceded to the English .
4 Germany agreed to suspend its claims for the payment of debts incurred by the former Soviet Union to former East Germany until the year 2000 , while in exchange Russia abandoned all claims for compensation for Soviet military property and installations in former East Germany .
5 A preliminary hearing in Birmingham yesterday rejected a company claim that the four failed to lodge their case within the required three-month period .
6 ‘ Of course , I agreed to carry his bag like a shot , and the Irish golfer gave me some very basic instruction in my duties over a couple of pints of the dark stuff from his native land .
7 Mary Moore , 17 , of Chatham , Kent , was starved of oxygen after doctors failed to diagnose her presence in the womb .
8 ‘ Listen ! ’ said the young man named Lawrence suddenly , and checked to strain his ears for the small , recurrent sound that had reached him .
9 They came to an agreement , and the man designated retained his authority by a leadership which did not offend his fellow lineage members : support could fall away , men could choose another elder to act for them , or fail to contribute to common funds when required .
10 Even that great opponent of the industrial system of the nineteenth century Thomas Carlyle ( 1795–1881 ) failed to relate his criticisms to the Christian doctrine that he had abandoned as a young man .
11 He carried a bottle of water from the River Mississippi with which , he said , he planned to baptise my breast as a sign of love .
12 On the night of Oct. 4-5 small-scale fighting occurred in the capital , Kigali , but the RPF failed to consolidate its position beyond the north-eastern area .
13 There is no evidence that sceattas circulated widely in the Mercian hinterland and some reason to suggest in the light of a multiplicity of distinctive sceatta coinages in eastern and southern England that Aethelbald , who may have minted in Canterbury , failed to impose his authority over the issue of coins by others , ‘ a critical commentary ’ , perhaps ‘ on what Bede asserts , and on Aethelbald 's own claims ’ .
14 His difficult relations with Roosevelt only confirmed his realist 's intuition that , beneath its idealistic rhetoric , the United States planned to establish its domination throughout the non-communist world .
15 My mind games were not always concerned with the past ; sometimes they involved transforming my surroundings into a fantasy landscape .
16 Recently , I tried to cancel my appearance at a benefit as my pianist was ill .
17 He bit his lip as he tried to thread his finger through the trigger guard .
18 The magistrate who tried to kill his wife with a home-made gas chamber has been jailed for nine years .
19 Three times Balaam tried to drive his donkey along the desert road .
20 Ken , upset , tried to drive his van through the line of Mr Rowse 's patients : he broke the ankle of an elderly man too feeble to jump out of the way .
21 And , while Folly tried to gather her wits for a retort , he turned to the maid .
22 Sophia tried to see her sister as a spinster and it was not so very difficult — a rather eccentric spinster not even looking as if she might once have been ennobled by some tragic love affair .
23 She and Sarah tried to arrange their dates for the same evenings , so that for the rest of the week they were free to go out together .
24 UNITED Biscuits , the food conglomerate , yesterday moved to tighten its grip on the UK snacks market with the £24 million takeover of Derwent Valley Food Group , makers of Phileas Fogg snacks .
25 He tried to batter his rider against the wall , scrape him off against a fragment of the banisters , but still Fleury held on .
26 Anne tried to hide her eagerness for the idea .
27 But as she reached him the vision shimmered and disappeared and she was alone , stumbling as she tried to find her way through the shadows of a forest , mist cloaking the branches of the trees .
28 ‘ That guy seems OK , ’ Nathan said , as he and Ari tried to find their way through the labyrinth of Roirbak 's complex to the canteen .
29 In his final years he tried to revive his career in an American television series about martial arts called The Master ( 1986 ) but it failed and another series never got beyond the pilot stage .
30 Business Direct is made up of a number of different services , each designed to smooth your way throughout the world .
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